Just Cause 2 v1.0.0.1 (+11 Trainer) [DEViATED]
Text file description:
. .. p R O U D L Y p R E S E N T S . .. Just Cause 2 v: +11 Trainer (C) DEVIATED 2010 Date....: 5/6/2010 Releaser: [eXtreme] Type....: Trainer Options.: 11 OS......: "vista" / "7" 32 bit Size....: 1xsmall [ RELEASE NOTES ] if you have any anti virus or any other security program on your os make sure to add the trainer to "exception list".(read full troubleshooting guide at our forums). vista / 7 users don't forget to run trainer as administrator. this trainer has been completely tested under vista/7 32 bit editions. if you found any bugs in our trainers please report it at our furoms. [ TRAINER OPTIONS ] Hotkey Option F2 - God Mode * F3 - Inf Ammo/Grenades * F4 - No Reload * F5 - Inf Oxygen * F6 - 1 Hit Kill * F7 - Get $1000000000 F8 - Get 1000000000 Chaos F9 - Get 1000000000 Weapon Parts F10 - Get 1000000000 Vehicle Parts F11 - Get 5 Armor Parts F12 - Wanted Level Modifier Num0 - Zero Wanted Level Num1 - Max Wanted Level F11 -> F12 - Teleport sys * [ TRAINER NOTES ] God Mode: with this option activated you will become like god in the game and it will give you full protection against anything! Infinite ammo&grandes/no reload: as it says it gives you infinite ammo and grandes and no reload for all weapons. Inf Oxygen: it gives you inf oxygen. 1 Hit kill: don't like to waste your bulltes to kill your enemies?then this option has been created for you! Teleport System: press NumPad- to save your current position then NumPad+ to load it. restore key will not work untill you save your position. [ GREETINGS ] greetz flys to all DEViATED team members and to every real scene groups! you know who you are! [ CONTACT INFO ] EMAiL: team[dot]dvt[at]live[dot]com HTTP.: www.deviatedhacking.com [ JOIN US ] We are currently looking for - Skilled Gamehackers - GFX'ers - ASCII Artists - Or anyway you think you can help us, contact us right away! NFO ART: CoaXCable/CoolPHat DEViATED
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 31.1 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
May 10, 2010 - 12:11pm