Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 v1.04 (+11 Trainer)
Text file description:
nerv+F0sT Deviance THE BATTLE FOR MiDDLE-EARTH II v1.04 +11 TRAiNER RELEASE.DATE .......... : 06/2006 :: TRAINER ..... : Marianne/DEViANCE GAME.TYPE ............ : STRATEGY :: PACKER ...... : Marianne/DEViANCE I don't want to rant that much really, but I couldn't help but notice how EXTALIA recently released a Battle for Middle-earth II trainer. Nice work EXCEPT the option "Instant Special Powers and Abilities". It works, its nice and its genius - problem is they didn't make it themselves - I did. I examined it and it is identical to mine. Coincidence? No way! It is so obviously stolen from my old Generals or Zero Hour trainer. After looking at what that old trainer did, all they had to do was locate the new addresses (Generals and Battle for Middle-earth are closely related). When you work hard on reversing and make cool options like that, you get pissed to see people passing them off as their own. Guys, this is lame, so stop it. Grow up - you are embarrassing yourselves. Your own words: "Hacker Alert! - Stop Hacking Me NOW !!! YOU FUCK !!!" I hope you see the irony. Proper reversing has been performed and all hacks are player beneficial only, no help for the AI players naturally. THIS TRAINER IS DEVELOPED FOR - AND TO BE USED WITH THE.LORD.OF.THE.RINGS.THE.BATTLE.FOR.MIDDLE-EARTH.II.UPDATE.1.04.CRAC- KFIX-DEViANCE. THE TRAINER HAS NOT BEEN TESTED WITH ANY OTHER VERSIONS! THIS TRAINER WAS NOT DEVELOPED FOR AND NOR WAS IT INTENDED FOR MULTIPLAYER USAGE, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK! Hotkeys: ~~~~~~~~ F1 - ENABLE HOTKEYS F2 - DISABLE HOTKEYS X - RESOURCES C - COMMAND POINTS V - POWER POINTS W - INSTANT BUILDINGS E - INSTANT UNITS AND UPGRADES R - INSTANT HEROES T - IMMORTALITY Y - INSTANT VETERANCY A - NO TIME LIMITED UNITS S - LONG SIGHT D - INSTANT SPECIAL POWERS AND ABILITIES F3 - RESTORE ALL Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run the trainer with the command line parameter "-nomusic" to disable the chiptune completely. If you want both the trainer and the game screen to be visible at the same time you can use some of these command line parameters: -win (Forces the game to run in windowed mode) -noaudio (Launches the game without any audio) -xres (Forces the game to a specific horizontal resolution) -yres (Forces the game to a specific vertical resolution) E.g. "lotrbfme2.exe -win -noaudio -xres 640 -yres 480" works pretty good for me. ENABLE / DISABLE HOTKEYS I've tried to avoid using hotkeys already used by the game. The following hotkeys: F1 (ENABLE HOTKEYS), F2 (DISABLE HOTKEYS) and F3 (RESTORE ALL) are enabled as long as the trainer is running. If you press F1 all the remaining letter-based hotkeys are enabled. The idea is that you deselect any units/buildings when you want to use the trainer hotkeys so you don't accidentally invoke all sorts of hacks when you are using the game's own hotkeys. RESTORE ALL Deactivates all code manipulation hacks. E.g. if you start with 200 resources and use the RESOURCES hack to get 100200 resources and then use the RESTORE ALL option your resource amount wont be restored to its initial pre-trainer-interfering amount of 200 as this trainer does not have an undo history of any kind. RESTORE ALL only applies to the CODE MANIPULATION hacks and not the DATA MANIPULATION hacks. RESOURCES, COMMAND POINTS and POWER POINTS are data manipulation hacks because they modify data values stored in memory and do not modify any code. INSTANT BUILDINGS, INSTANT UNITS AND UPGRADES, INSTANT HEROES, IMMORTALITY, INSTANT VETERANCY, NO TIME LIMITED UNITS, LONG SIGHT and INSTANT SPECIAL POWERS AND ABILITIES are code manipulation hacks because they modify the code of the game stored in memory. RESOURCES Increases your amount of resources by 100000. COMMAND POINTS Increases your command point limit by 1000. Use this to build vast a terrible armies. POWER POINTS Increases your power points by 40. INSTANT BUILDINGS You no longer have to wait when you build buildings like you would normally have to. INSTANT UNITS AND UPGRADES You no longer have to wait when you train units or purchase upgrades like you would normally have to. INSTANT HEROES You no longer have to wait when you recruit heroes. IMMORTALITY All your units and buildings become immune to damage. INSTANT VETERANCY When ever one of your units or buildings would normally gain even the slightest amount of experience, it triggers the hack and gives that specific unit, its maximum veterancy level, the highest rank possible. NO TIME LIMITED UNITS A lot of the Special Powers allows you to summon a special kind of unit e.g. Balrog, Wyrm or battalions of units e.g. Army of the Dead. These units have a time limit and when the time is up the units disappear. This hack removes the time limit on these special units. Make sure you select the special unit at least once. The hack is triggered when a unit is selected. Try making an army of Balrogs, it's a lot of fun! LONG SIGHT This hack makes the game believe that every one of your units has a very long sight property (10000 to be exact). With this hack enabled you can see the entire map instantly. Notice that the game only updates terrain visibility when a unit moves. So after activating the hack, you must move a unit, in order to reveal the map. INSTANT SPECIAL POWERS AND ABILITIES You no longer have to wait for abilities to "recharge" like you would normally have to. Notice that Heroes still need to have the appropriate rank required by a specific ability, even though it might not appear so at first. Read this NFO properly! 1) Unrar 2) Start our trainer 3) Start the game 4) Use hotkeys ingame to operate trainer We do this for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. We do NOT want our nfo or release listed on any public place like websites, P2P netorks, newsgroups, etc! It is against the original scene rules! In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene jobs. As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. Support the software companies. If you like this game BUY it! We did! Our cracks may not be used or altered for any other release without our permission! Allowed groups are: GENESiS, BACKLASH, SACRED, RiTUEL and VLiSO. Respect hard working crackers, don't steal from them. We are currently looking for skilled crackers : deviance@sexmagnet.com " Training is also a deviance "
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 65.45 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 5, 2006 - 9:00pm