Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage v1.1 (+10 Trainer)
Text file description:
. . '' . . ' . . . . . '' . , . T h e N o v a T e a m ______________________________________________________________________SN/TNT_ TheNovaTeamTNTTNTTheNovaTeam Presents: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage v1.1 *Trainer +10* (c)2005 NumLock / DreamCatcher Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 09/04/2005 Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : What is it? : Trainer for Cheaters OS Required : Win2K/XP Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg Requirements : The Game -==--==- Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: Did not realize that a 1.1 Patch was already out when the last Trainer was created. So if you have upgraded to 1.1 already, give the newest Trainer a try. Two more options are also added: Infinite Endurance and 1-Hit to Kill any enemy (you still need decent accuracy to HIT it though). This v1.1 Trainer will only work on the v1.1 Update of the game. There are some v1.2x BETA patches available, but we do not know if this trainer will work on them. Regardless, the BETA patches are not supported by the developer. -END Note A Trainer to Hack the game's memory which allows cheating. As always, TNT Trainers work ('should work') on all Operating Systems supported by the game itself. Others should follow suit or risk being propered. Enjoy. Note: This game only supports Windows 2000/XP. ##. HotKey Effect --- ------ ------ 01 __ God Mode 02 __ Infinite Tactonium *03 __ Infinite Endurance 04 __ Infinite Ammo 05 __ Freeze AP to 25 06 __ WarZone Mode (No one will ever die) *07 __ 1-Hit Kills 08 __ Set available LevelUp Points (for currently selected Character) 09 __ Set available Credits 10 __ Fast Level Up (for currently selected Character) No HotKeys for this Trainer; just Alt-Tab out of the Game to enable any Effects that you wish. Options 01 through 05 work for: All Characters on your Team. Option #04 NOTE: You must already have at least 1 Ammo for the Weapon you wish to use. Option #06 NOTE: This can actually be useful in some Quests perhaps, if you do not want a NPC person in the game world to get killed by Enemies. Option #10 NOTE: Earn 1 Experience Point to gain a new Level. -==--==- Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. UnRAR the archive to your game directory, overwriting any existing files. Always unRAR with full paths! 2. You may either start the Trainer first or start the Game first. Both methods will work fine. 3. With the game running (best to have a New Game started or Saved Game loaded), hit Alt-Tab to get to Windows which will Pause the game. 4. Enable any of the Effects that you wish to use and then return to the game. NOTE: all options are usually OFF by default, upon launching the Trainer. -==--==-
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 62.8 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 11, 2005 - 9:00pm