Might and Magic 7 +7 trainer

Might and Magic 7 +7 trainer

Might and Magic 7 +7 trainer

Text file description:

                             - ORIGIN PRESENTS -
                       MIGHT AND MAGIC 7 MEGA TRAINER
     Supplier : LIGHTB                  Release Date : June 22nd, 1999
      Cracker : LIGHTB                  Protection   : N/A
     Packager : LIMEY                   Game Genre   : RPG
  File Format : ACE                     # of Files   : 1  * 2.88 MB
  Requirements:Might and Magic 7
             Release Information and Installation Instructions
 Launch the game, load your savegame or start a new game, then hit ALT+TAB
  and run the trainer (it doesn't matter what dir you run it from).
  You will be able to select any of the four characters in the game and see
  the skills he/she has. If you type any number over the numbers displayed,
  the trainer will update the value in the game. The small checkbox located
  near some of the skills is for achieving "Grand" status at that skill.
  You can also modify gold, food and other settings. Watch out, don't spoil
  the game!
                                ORIGIN Leaders
                      Butcher, Cypher, DaJackal, and Ice
                                ORIGIN Members
   Beck, DJay, Genesis P'Orridge, Goatass, Gogolie, Light Bringer, Lincoln,
   M. Meyers, Mad Devil, Mad Turnip, Master Kracker, Merlijn, Mr. Puppy 3D,
        Mr. Chavez, Noah Body, Orcus, Possible, Recoil, Sinna, Teacher,
   The King Four, The Krazy Little Punk, The Tentacle, Thor, Tragik,
                        Wadood,Wolfric, X-Con, and Zip
                             ORIGIN Senior Courier
                                ORIGIN Couriers
 Blaze, Cedric, Darkside, Dirtman, Fertile, Insanity, Lester, Mr. Pumpkin,
                  Nailz, Redman, SacX, Wishmaster, and Xtase
                  ORIGIN Headquarters & Distribution Sites
                 ???           WHQ      OPEN (Read Application Rules 1st)
                 E             EHQ                     Europe
                 FH            CHQ                Netherlands
                 EB            RHQ                    Germany
                 EVL           USHQ             United States
                 TT            GHQ                    Germany
                 DFH           HQ              United Kingdom
                 MRC           HQ                      France
                 H2H           HQ                      Sweden
                 TMS           HQ                      Canada
                         ORIGIN News & Information
  * ORIGIN is on the lookout for fast new original suppliers.  If you have
    access to brand new, unreleased games, contact us immediately.  ORIGIN
    seeks people who work at a software house, store/shop, distributor,
    publisher, or magazine. We always reimburse the full retail cost of any
    originals because we know that you don't get something for nothing.
  * If you are able to supply ORIGIN with free hardware especially memory,
    CPU's, and 3DFX cards, let us know.
  * We're in search of people in the Arabian Gulf, if you think you fit the
    contact us now.
  * We're in search of people who can phreak in europe, BB elite contact us!
  * All trainer gods, can you do MEGA trainers for ORIGIN? Contact us now.
  * We are not looking for additional FTP sites at this time.  However, if
    you are able to supply or crack, we might be persuaded to make a small
  * ORIGIN is not accepting courier applications, so please don't waste
    our time and yours by telling us what a great trader you are.
  * Watch out for ORIGIN's official DEMO group called SHARE AND ENJOY (SAE)
    if you can code demos/intros, do gfx or music. Then look below for
    the contact information.
 ORIGIN Group Greetz:
 Deviance ISO, Radiance, Paradigm, Share And Enjoy, TRG, Evil VCD,
 CORE, Paradox, The Players Club, Beatforge, and all those we forgot.
                             Contacting ORIGIN
                Internet Relay Chat:  #ORIGIN on EFnet
                      ORIGIN E-Mail:  newsupply@hotmail.com
                         ORIGIN WWW:  http://origin.does.not.have.a.webpage
                Contacting SHARE AND ENJOY (ORIGINS DEMO GROUP)
                Internet Relay Chat:  #SAE on EFnet
                         SAE E-Mail:  sae@newsandmail.com
                            SAE WWW:  http://www.s-a-e.freeserve.co.uk
                              "Who Dares Wins"
        h i g h w a y        t      o        h e l l
       PWA ERHQ                                 AMBISO HQ
    FALLEN  EHQ                 DVNISO HQ
       MNM   HQ
    ORiGiN  SHQ
      SCUM  RHQ
              THE FLAME ARROWS '99
                 I N F O
           TFA is a courier group consisting of 3 divisions:
                          TFA - 0sec Couriering
           TFAiSO - ISO Couriering / VCD Releasing/Couriering
                    TFaMP3 - MP3 Releasing/Couriering
       Each division can be joined seperatly but we like to regard
            the whole group as one big family of friends :)
                       Founding Fathers: Poo, Sqd
                   L E A D E R S
                               Poo, Blas
                S E N I O R S 0-day
                       Dirtman, jsut, E-foo, Krazey,
                       Slick,  Nightshad, BioHazeerd
                 M E M B E R S 0-day
           Poo, E-foo, Biohazerd, Target, Nightshad, Slick,
           Slack, dirtman, capslock, PsycoFred, Blas,ppp
          Kurn, Morbus, Inge, jsut, Coolsox, Moa, Shodan, Barf
         Peorth, Deleon, ^bahamut^, badacid, Highfive, Zilencer
              evilmind, Milhauz,cptvorpal,Maxtutor, Westie
          Sqd, Price, Oddity, Greyline, Inkey, Bluzman, Shadow98,
               DEES, Judge, liarliar, Hoe, Waveforce, vejeku
                   S E N i O R S   ISO
                          SCANmAN - SqD - Snah
                M E M B E R S   ISO
                Slack, Weazel, Ju7, Judge, pci, illu, Jono
           Drather, Kelt, Gooferj, Cre8, ImaGiCa, DjSpoon, Pacc
             Guran ,Blueball, Snah, Ryls, Weazel, Croaker, Qm
               Doggy, Dev, Sdc, Chemi, Santoz, Mcr, poo, tgm
                       Jkr, Liberator, lood, bobo
                   S E N i O R S   MP3
                           -=[ THE SCANmAN ]=-
                M E M B E R S   MP3
                 WiNNie_T - Inkey -  cre8tor -  HighFive
                 bitbyte - TheJudge - DaChronix - Jadzia
                 acid -  DjSpoon - miflo - santoz - lood
                 Blueball - SDC - ASInc  - hhr - MP3_Man
            Official courier group for:
                   (VHS)  V-I-D-E-O-H-O-L-I-C-S  (VHS)
              S i T E S
       TFA Sites
          Qxxxxxx .............. WHQ ................... 2xT1
          Nxxxxxx Dxxx ......... EHQ ..................... T3
          Axx Fxxx Oxx ......... EHQ ..................... T3
          Mxxxxxxx Sxx ......... EHQ ..................... E3
          Zxxxx ................ USHQ .................. 2xT1
       TFAiSO Sites
          PxxWxxTxxx ........... ISO/VCD WHQ ....... 150 gigs
          Sxxxx ................ ISO/VCD NOHQ ....... 30 gigs
          Zxxxx Ixx ............ ISO/XXX VCD USHQ ... 45 gigs
          Fxxxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx .. ISO CHQ ............ 40 gigs
          Txxxx Fxxxxxxx ....... VCD RHQ ............ 45 gigs
          PxxxFxxx ............. VCD USHQ ........... 28 gigs
          Txx Txxxx Kxxx ....... VCD GHQ ............ 30 gigs
          Txxxx Cxxx Ixx ....... ISO/VCD  HQ ........140 gigs
          Bxxxx STxxx .......... VCD HQ ............. 35 gigs
          position open ........ ISO USHQ ........... xx gigs
       TFaMP3 Sites
          Dxxxx Sxxxxx ......... WHQ ..................... T3
          Nx Sxxxxxx Axxxxxxx .. USHQ .................... T1
          Jxxxxxx .............. RHQ ..................... Down
          Pxxxxx ............... tHQ+aHQ ................. T1
      We are in serious need for (starting) unix based euro sites!
      so.. does your site run unix, 25gb+ and on a good
      euro link msg me or e-mail me on the-scanman@usa.net
      We will give LEECH on one of the best euro ISO/VCD/PSX sites
      for the siteop when the site is really goodand......
      We are looking for link hosters and hardware suppliers
      if you think you could provide us with something interesting
     	just join our chan on irc
       G O S P E L
       Through the dark corridors of time we have found our way to
       the illuminated promised lands. We now stand at the true
       fountains of everlasting youth. Filled with the joy of our
       own newfound immortality we will expand our holy communion
       to even greater proportions. We are still in need of new
       followers who have the strenght to resist the temptations
       of the seductive beings of the digital underworld. If you
       feel you posses the power to join us in our holy war to
       protect our empire of truth, we urge you new followers with
       a special gift of nature, who can assist us in our quest,
       to donate their precious life energy.
         TFAiSO is one of the largest ISO courier groups around
            and are dedicated in bringing you the finest VCD's.
                  If you want to be a part of this
                      contact any senior on IRC.
                        We are in need of the
                              following :
                            Shell Suppliers
                          Hardware Suppliers
                          Software Suppliers
                             VCD Suppliers
       Special Note: Starting MP3 sites running unix on a big
                     link with 25gb+ e-mail the-scanman@usa.net
            G R E E T S
                .. FALLEN, VERSUS, WUT, WLW, DEVOTION ..
                          and all the others...
            .. Gal, Katman, Slammar, jeeps, darkl0rd
                  D_S, S^J, Brb|a,  jkowall, Ghost
           C O N T A C T S
                       Irc Channel: #TFA
                      Email Address: info@tfa.org
                     Web Page: Http://www.tfa.org
                      Updated on
       Nfo by Blas          06/16/99       Header by Sqz
                 0Day : DOD - RZR - ASP - TFA - SR
                      ISO  : TFAiSO - RZR - PoRNoLATioN - DVNVCD
                     MP3  : TFAMp3 - BMI
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name: mightm7p7.zip

File size: 253.47 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ