NieR: Automata (+17 Trainer) [FLiNG]
Text file description:
0<\Z:gh~CQNieR: Automata 0v1.0 ASNyO9ehV[3DMGAME] 00000 m%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%n% 00000000Q% 03DMGAMEQ0& NS1Z(W~[W Q% 0m%P%P%P%P%P%P%$% 0http://www.3dMgame.com0 %P%P%P%P%P%P%n% 0Q%000000Q%00http://bbs.3dmgame.com0 Q%000000Q% 0Q%000000Q%000000000000000Q% Q% 0Q%000000p%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%P%o%000000Q% 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q% 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q% 0Q% ,gzcOvT{|8nb]wQSezSSxvzf[`N,gz[O(u Q% 0Q% N8nb]wQ [vNRTg NbbNUO#N0000 Q% 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q%00 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q% 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q% 0Q%00000000000000000000000000000Q% 0Q%00m%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%n%00Q% 0p%P%P%$%00 03DMGAMEQ0 http://www.3dmgame.com0 %P%P%o% 0000p%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%o% O(uf(3DM upgq_ SR6RO) peW[. 1 - ePu}T peW[. 2 - [eQOePu}T peW[. 3 - [eQOePe peW[. 4 - R:ghVNbeQtS peW[. 5 - irT NQ peW[. 6 - ePNk peW[. 7 - Gr`S(u[gNO peW[. 8 - ~^ peW[. 9 - P[9_e peW[. 0 - NQ_@g peW[. . - NQkXneQOi Ctrl+peW[. 1 - eP Ctrl+peW[. 2 - eP~ Ctrl+peW[. 3 - ePirT Ctrl+peW[. 4 - fkhVGS~ePge Ctrl+peW[. 5 - PodGS~ePge F1/F2/F3/F4 - 2/4/8/16 P~ Home - SmhQ laNy 1. irT NQ T ePirT S[pe'YN1virTuHe0 2. fkhVGS~ePge YgSm]~O9evPgeBlpe<P/T8nbTMbOS0 3. Gr`S(u[gNO ObS_MR -NvGr`S(u[9e:N10 4. NQ_@g o;meNN ggR`vLeNkYBOSS NONQ_@gFO/fObLeNvu}T<PSb0RgNONR_gR`SSgR`hQS[sSSSb{kLeN0 fefeX PodGS~ePge T P[9_e R By upgq_@3DMGAME
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 774.18 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
March 24, 2017 - 11:04am