Painkiller (Levels Unlocker)
Text file description:
o.Date = "21-04-2004" o.Time = "07:42:50" o.Level = "C05E04 - Hell" o.Timestamp = "20040421074250" o.LevelDir = "C5L4_Hell" o.Type = "StartLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "19:43:55" o.Level = "[Auto] C02E03 - Asylum" o.Timestamp = "20040414194355" o.LevelDir = "C2L4_Asylum" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "20:13:51" o.Level = "[Auto] C02E04 - Snowy bridge" o.Timestamp = "20040414201351" o.LevelDir = "C2L1_Bridge" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "00:38:52" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E02 - Atrium Complex" o.Timestamp = "20040414003852" o.LevelDir = "C1L2_Atrium_Complex" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "16:18:44" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E03 - Catacombs" o.Timestamp = "20040414161844" o.LevelDir = "C1L3_Catacombs" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "17:50:00" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E04 - Cathedral" o.Timestamp = "20040414175000" o.LevelDir = "C1L1_Cathedral" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "17:51:32" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E04 - Cathedral" o.Timestamp = "20040414175132" o.LevelDir = "C1L1_Cathedral" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "18:10:41" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E05 - Enclave" o.Timestamp = "20040414181041" o.LevelDir = "C1L5_Enclave" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "14-04-2004" o.Time = "18:15:03" o.Level = "[Auto] C02E02 - Opera House" o.Timestamp = "20040414181503" o.LevelDir = "C2L3_Opera" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "09:57:43" o.Level = "[Auto] C02E05 - Town" o.Timestamp = "20040415095743" o.LevelDir = "C2L5_Town" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "10:25:11" o.Level = "[Auto] C02E06 - Swamp" o.Timestamp = "20040415102511" o.LevelDir = "C2L6_Swamp" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "10:42:17" o.Level = "[Auto] C03E01 - Train Station" o.Timestamp = "20040415104217" o.LevelDir = "C3L1_Train_Station" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "11:35:41" o.Level = "[Auto] C03E03 - Military Base" o.Timestamp = "20040415113541" o.LevelDir = "C3L3_Military_Base" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "17:05:00" o.Level = "[Auto] C03E04 - Ruins" o.Timestamp = "20040415170500" o.LevelDir = "C3L5_Ruins" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "17:09:29" o.Level = "[Auto] C04E01 - Castle" o.Timestamp = "20040415170929" o.LevelDir = "C3L4_Castle" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "15-04-2004" o.Time = "17:44:38" o.Level = "[Auto] C04E02 - The Palace" o.Timestamp = "20040415174438" o.LevelDir = "C4L1_Oriental_Castle" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "16-04-2004" o.Time = "20:08:37" o.Level = "[Auto] C04E03 - Babel" o.Timestamp = "20040416200837" o.LevelDir = "C4L2_Babel" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "16-04-2004" o.Time = "20:31:47" o.Level = "[Auto] C04E05 - Tower" o.Timestamp = "20040416203147" o.LevelDir = "C4L4_Alastor" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "16-04-2004" o.Time = "20:46:33" o.Level = "[Auto] C05E01 - City On Water" o.Timestamp = "20040416204633" o.LevelDir = "C5L1_City_On_Water" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "17-04-2004" o.Time = "10:44:58" o.Level = "[Auto] C05E02 - Docks" o.Timestamp = "20040417104458" o.LevelDir = "C5L2_Docks" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "17-04-2004" o.Time = "11:24:42" o.Level = "[Auto] C05E03 - Old Monastery" o.Timestamp = "20040417112442" o.LevelDir = "C5L3_Monastery" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "21-04-2004" o.Time = "07:42:33" o.Level = "[Auto] C05E04 - Hell" o.Timestamp = "20040421074233" o.LevelDir = "C5L4_Hell" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 o.Date = "21-04-2004" o.Time = "08:21:28" o.Level = "[Auto] C01E01 - Cemetery" o.Timestamp = "20040421082128" o.LevelDir = "C1L4_Cemetery" o.Type = "AutoNewLevel" o.CheckPoint = 0 o.Difficulty = 0 o.LevelTime = "00:00:00" o.Version = 4 REVELATiON PROUDLY PRESENTS: (c) E/ACL Painkiller All Levels Unlocker SUPPLIER : TEAM REVELATiON RELASE DATE : 06/17/2004 CRACKER : TEAM REVELATiON RELEASE TYPE : CHEATS PACKAGER : TEAM REVELATiON NUMBER OF FiLES : 1 x 1 MB RELEASE NOTES: Copy the included dirs and files over to your install dirSavegames and overwrite the files already there. Now you can enjoy it all without having to beat every boss!! Thanks to DEViANCE for their nice release!! GROUP NOTES: We're happy and it's gonna stay that way :) GREETiNGS TO: Everyone that contribute with something for the scene!!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 203.52 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 23, 2004 - 9:00pm