Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (+5 Trainer)

Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (+5 Trainer)
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (+5 Trainer)
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (+5 Trainer)

Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (+5 Trainer)

Text file description:

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                                                   REDLiNE TeAm Presents:
   ,; ,,,,, ,, , ,,   ,.,,, ;,,,     ,,   ,, Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (C) Konami ,,,  , ,  ,,,, ,, .,, , ,,, ,,
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   ,;                                                                                                        ;;
   ,;                    25/11/2004 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom/Serial 		     ;;.
  ,..                         1 DVD :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Soccer Game	             ;;
   ..                                                                       				      ..
    ;,                                                                                                        ;
   ,;                                                                                                        ;;;
    ;       ,                                                                                                ,;,
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                                                       Some Infos:
          ,, , .   ,, ,;,, :;,    ,,;;,    ,  ,, , ,, ;;,,;,,,=;,,;,,,,,,,,, ;;,,,,,;,,,;,;,,  ,;,,;;, ,;,,, ,,;
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    ;;,   ,    ,.  ,, ,,   ,,  ,   , ,     ; ,                       , ,           .    ,       .   .  ,  ..   ,
    ;;,                                                                                                       ,;,
    ;;                          This is the only Real Trainer. HOODLUM is a FAKER                             ,;,
    ;;                                                                                                        ,;;
    ;;                                                                                                        ;M,
    ;,,;,,,;;,, ,,,,,,,,,;, ,,,;;;,, ,,,;,,,;;, ;,,;,,;,,,,  ,;,, ,;,,,;,,,, ,;;;,,,,, ,;;;,,;;,,, ;;,,;;,, ,,;;
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                  .                 ,;   .     ,    .        , .                   .   ,           ,    ,,
		                Trainer Infos:
           /  1 - Unrar the Archive
          |   2 - Copy all the Archive files in your PES4 Directory |
          |   3 - Play The TRAiNER.exe                              |
              4 - Push Run Game and read the following Infos      /
          /   1 - Freeze Time (See Note)
          |   2 - Instant End Quarter                  	            |
          |   3 - Get Loads Of PES Points (See Note)     	    |
          |   4 - Get Loads Of Funds (See Note)                     |
          |   5 - Home Team Score To 20                             |
          |   6 - Away Team Score To 20                             |
          |   7 - Home Team Score To 0                              |
          |   8 - Away Team Score To 0		                    |
          |   9 - Resume All To Normal                              |
          |                                                         |
          | Option Explanations:                                    |
          | 1 -> This option will stop the quarter time and the     |
          |      training timers.  				    |
          |  2 ->                                                   |
          |    1. Enter main screen.                                |
          |    2. Enter options.                                    |
          |    3. Enable option.                                    |
          |    4. Go to PES shop.                                   |
          |    5. You have lots of PES points to spend.             |
          | 3 ->                                                    |
          |    1. Enter the master league management mode.          |
          |    2. Enter negotioations section                       |
          |    3. Press search button                               |
          |    4. Enable option                                     |
          |    5. Select quick search                               |
              6. You have lots of cash                            /
      ;,,;,,,;;,, ,,,,,,,,,;, ,,,;;;,, ,,,;,,,;;, ;,,;,,;,,,,  ,;,, ,;,,,;,,,, ,;;;,,,,, ,;;;,,;;,,, ;;,,;;,
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    ...												      	      .,.
    ,;,                      READ: This Trainer is only for the 1.0 version of PES4                            ;,
    ,;;                                                                                                        ;
    ,;;                ,         ,,       ,     ,,    ,         ,.  ,    ,    ,            ,    ;;,;,,,,;;,,,,;;;
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                                                      Greetings To:
      ;,;;,;,,;,;,,,;,,,,,;,;,;;,;,,,  ;,,,,,;; ,,,,,;,,, =; , ,,;,,,,,,, ,,,,,;;  , ,,,;,,;,,,,,;;,;, ;;,;;,,; ,
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      ;;                                                                                                        ;;
      ;;    Crackers: Mark/REDLiNE  		ASCII: Rod/REDLiNE		And: Nicko/REDLiNE        	,;
     ,;;              Steve/REDLiNE                                                  Sargo/REDLINE              ;;,
      ;;                                                                             Kar/REDLiNE                ;,
      ;;                                                                                                        ;;
      ;,      ,, .,          ,   ,     , ,    , ,,         , ,,    ,;;
      ;;,;;,,;;;;,;;;;;;;,,;;,;,;,;;,; ;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;,,;;,,,,,,;;;,,,;,;;;;;;,;;;;,,;;,,,;;;;;;;,,;,;;;;;;;,,,,;;
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                                      . .        ,                                               REDLiNE TeAm
                                                                                                 Open Source Code

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 16.99 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ