Railroad Tycoon deluxe trainer
Text file description:
P R E S E N T S An Interactive Trainer for Railroad Tycoon Deluxe created on: [06/16/93] [ CREDITS ] The debugging and programming for this little gem was provided by Space Ace. Location fiddling was performed with ease by Black Bird. [ GREETINGS ] Greetings to all who contribute something to the pirate community. YO!!!! The following people who contacted us recently please read this!!! C.A. : Read your mail on Syncronicity! M.B. : Read your mail on Syncronicity! [ DREAD INFO ] The current DREAD members are: ------------------------------ Space Ace, Black Bird, Arc Angel, Code Degenerator The current DREAD couriers are: ------------------------------- Groo The Wanderer, Sudden Impact ( D R E A D S I T E S ) Ethereal Plane : DREAD Home & Playground : Arc Angel [ITS] PRI-VATE : 14,400 v32bis SYNCHRONICITY : DREAD Distribution Site [416] PRI-VATE : 14,400 DUAL : Cyber Cop [416] PRI-VATE : 14,400 HST We are looking for a few good sites...apply today! If you want to run a DREAD site or be a DREAD courier just call Ethereal Plane and/or SYNCHRONICITY and leave a message to Black Bird or Space Ace. [ KEYS ] Backspace - Add 50,000 to your cash. [ INSTRUCTIONS ] The keys are self explanatory. All you need in this game is cash since your such a capitalist. TIP : Black Bird suggests you put the game on pause so that you won't miss any signifigant events while you're holding down the backspace key. When the game is paused the new cash won't be redisplayed until you un-pause the game. [ TECHNICAL INFO ] This program takes up about 2k when you run it. It automatically runs the game. When you exit the game this program will automatically unload itself from memory.
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: d-rtdtrn.zip
File size: 7.48 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am