Return to Castle Wolfenstein v1.33 (+1 Trainer)
Text file description:
._ _NNN (NN) JNNN" (NN) .JNNNN) NNN) (NNNNNN) ._NNNN) 4NNNN) (NNNNNNNNNNN) (NNNN) _NNN `""4NNNNF"""` .JNNNNL. (NNNN) _NNNNNNNNNNN. NNNN) JNNNNNN""NNN) (NNNN).JNNNN) .JNNNNN4NNNNNNNF NNNN) NNNNN" .NNF` (NNNN)4"NNNN) NF" JNNNNNN" NNNN) (NNNN) .JNN` (NNNN) (NNN` _NNNNNNF NNNN) (NNNN .NNF` (NNNNLNNNN) .NNNNNNN` NNNN) (NNNNNNN` (NNNNNNNNNNL JNNNNNNF NNNN) `NNNNNL. .JN (NNNN)`NNNNNN .NNNNNNF _N _JNNNNL_. `NNNNNNNNNNNN` (NNNN) 4NNNNN. JNNNNNN)___NNNNF (NNNNNNNNN `4NNNNNNF` (NNNNNNN 4NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNN" (NNNNNF` NNF` NNNN" JNNN` NF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- proudly presentz...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| ||| [ release name ]: Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP trainer ||| ||| [ release date ]: December 10th, 2001 ||| ||| [ releaser ]: MiCRaL (ex_micral@yahoo.com ||| ||| [ size ]: 15 Kb ||| ||| [ requirements ]: N/A ||| |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ __ _ _ ___ | | ___ __ _ ___ ___ ___ (_) _ _ / _| ___ | '_|/ -_)| |/ -_)/ _` |(_-</ -_)(_-< | || ' | _|/ _ |_| \___||_|\___|\__,_|/__/\___|/__/ |_||_||_||_| \___/ Run the trainer first, then run the game. Get into play mode and press : F1 : Unlimited amount of ammo F2 : Infinite Health, what else could u ask ? :-) Have phun ! - MiCRaL / TekZ Team _ _ _ _ __| |(_) ___ __ | | __ _ (_) _ __ ___ _ _ / _` || |(_-</ _|| |/ _` || || ' / -_)| '_| +-----------\__,_||_|/__/\__||_|\__,_||_||_|_|_|\___||_|--------------+ |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| || This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", || || meaning we do not take any responsibility for anything you || || do with it. || |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ __ ___ _ _ | |_ __ _ __ | |_ _ _ ___ / _|/ _ | ' | _|/ _` |/ _|| _| | || |(_-< +---------- \__|\___/|_||_|\__|\__,_|\__| \__| \_,_|/__/ -----------+ |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| || On the WWW : http://www.vngamecenter.com || || On the IRC : #tekz on rootsandwings.com (port 443) || || Email : ex_micral@yahoo.com || |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ascii/nfo by micral [ 2001 ]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 14.59 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
December 21, 2001 - 9:00pm