Spider-Man (+1 Trainer)
Text file description:
nmls^bafh -=[::PROUDLY PRESENTS::]=- Spider-Man Trainer (c) PERiOD - sUPPLiER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE DATE : [ 19/09/01 ] cRACKER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE SiZE : [ 1 X <1Mb ] rIPPER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE Type : [ Trainer ] pACKAGER : [TEAM PERiOD] pROTECTiON : [ N/A ] [PRD]:.. ..: ReLEASE iNFO :.. .:[PRD] - Release info : Instruction: Extract the trainer.exe to the <game main dir>. Double click on it and apply the cheat (do not run the game before apply) Launch the game like always... but now you ill be better ;) [PRD]:.. ..: RiPPED :.. .:[PRD] - Nothing [PRD]:.. ..: iNSTALL :.. .:[PRD] - Read Release Infos! ** ENJOY THIS ELiTE RELEASE FROM THE HOUSE OF PERiOD ** [PRD]:.. ..: NeeDeD :.. .:[PRD] - - PERiOD is looking for 10Mbit+ FTP HQ's in: USA/.ca/.kr/.jp/.au/.no/.fr/.pl - (No 0Day only HQ's) - Shell Box Owners (T3+ / Mass Gigage not needed) - iRC Bouncer Suppliers - Experienced Crackers - Experienced Trainer Makers - Talented Coders (c++/asm/delphi) - Software Suppliers (UNreleased APPS/GAMES) - PRO GFXers For Team HIrEZ N33ds - FREE/CHEAP Legit Hardware Suppliers *** If you have anything that can help us CONTACT US NOW! *** *** WE DO PROVIDE BENEFITS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO HELP THE GROUP! *** [PRD]:.. ..: GrEETiNGS :.. .:[PRD] - * EMBRACE * pGC * HERiTAGE * BAFH * SPHiNKS * RTS * * LAXiTY * SSG * RAiD * LiQUiD GRAViTY * OLDSCHOOLARTISTS * [PRD]:.. ..: CoNTACT :.. .:[PRD] - PERiOD@antionline.org -[nfo: nmls^bafh][NfoMaker: b0rd3n^OA]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: prdsmt01.zip
File size: 49.84 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 21, 2001 - 9:00pm