Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (+9 Trainer)
Text file description:
!h8 brings you.. Spider-Man: Friend For Foe PROPER PLUS 9 TRAINER (c) Activision Release Date [ 10/12/2007 Release Size [ 1x5.00mb Platform [ WinXP Release Type [ Trainer Game Type [ ACTION Supplier [ RELOADED Another day another trainer from Team BReWErS. This time we present you guys a nice trainer for Spider-Man: Friend For Foe. Like our title is stating we are presenting a PROPER working trainer for this game. You can read more about that later on. First a note to ALL DOX Groups out there: we would like to ask the other DOX groups to wave up their hands and help us by setting up some DOX rules. All trainer making groups are tagging/calling options different which makes it hard for the end user to decide which trainer they should pick or should not pick. We at team BReWErS think that it's time that rules are being made and quality is given back to the DOX scene. Just like all game RIP groups have to follow the Standard Rip Rules. PROPER REASON: Spider.Man.Friend.or.Foe.PLUS.11.TRAiNER.REPACK-Unleashed isn't working like it should. We will list the important things we noticed. First of all we noticed their infinite health options isn't giving infinite health to all sidekicks. But most imporant is that their option stops working completely when you are in a BOSS fight. With a BOSS fight we mean the fights against Octopus and other enemies from the Spider Man movies. When you win the fight that character is being unlocked and it will join Spider Man. We tested it so far on Octopus and The Green Goblin and the Unleashed option just stops working at those stages. After you completed the BOSS fight the option is partially working again like explained above. Also note that their Trainer is mislabeled. Its not a +11 like the dirname says. OUR Trainer has - apart from working options - even more options than their release. Let's continue to the hotkeys this trainer has to offer. INGAME HOTKEYS: # Hotkey Option 1 F1 Infinite Health Player and Sidekick 2 F2 Save Position Player and Sidekick 2 F3 Restore Position Player and Sidekick 3 F4 Enable Tech Tokens System 3 M Add 25 Tech Tokens Player 3 N Add 25 Tech Tokens Sidekick 4 F5 Enable 4 Level Combo 5 F6 One Hit Kill 6 F7 Infinite Health Regeneration Power 7 F8 Infinite Mega-Damage Power 8 F9 Infinite Invincibility Power 9 F10 Infinite Hero Strike Power TRAINER NOTES: F1: Infinite Health Player and Sidekick ======================================= A pretty simple option we present you guys here. What it will do is make your currently selected character and sidekick immortal. F2: Save Position Player and Sidekick ===================================== This option will save the current positions from the player and the sidekick. This can be used later on to teleport back to the saved position F3: Restore Position Player and Sidekick ======================================== This option can be used to teleport the player and sidekick back to the last saved position. You can't teleport back through levels. F4: Enable Tech Tokens System ============================= Press this button to enable a Tech Tokens System. When enabled you will be given 2 more keys: M: Add 25 Tech Tokens Player N: Add 25 Tech Tokens Sidekick You may have seen that Unleashed made 3 options to adjust the tokens. We just created one option to update your tech tokens. Tech Tokens are updated when playing levels and killing enemies. Press the M or N button during the level you play and 25 Tech Tokens will be added to your current amount. F5: Enable 4 Level Combo ======================== This option will fill the combo meter for player and sidekick to level 4. It will give you more tech token points for killed enemies. F6: One Hit Kill ================ Here we present you guys a nice One Hit Kill option. What this option does is it will kill all enemies with just one hit. There is no disadvantage for your sidekick, he can kill enemies with one hit also. This option also works on all endbosses. So you can easily defeat those bastards hehe;). F7: Infinite Health Regeneration Power ====================================== A very simple option here. It will give you the possibility to regenerate the health of the character you are currently playing with. F8: Infinite Mega-Damage Power ============================== Simple and easy the Mega-Damage Power Up. You can use it as often as you want to mega damage the enemies when hitting them. F9: Infinite Invincibility Power ================================ Another easy option for your pleasure. You can use the Invincibility Power Up as often as you want. This power will make the player and sidekick invincible for a few seconds. F10: Infinite Hero Strike Power =============================== Hero Strike can be used as often as you want with this option enabled. Player and Sidekick will combine their powers and strike the enemies. INSTALL NOTES: 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent 2. Run the trainer from the desktop or place trainer in game dir 3. You can choose to start the game first or you can press Run game button and follow the steps on the screen. 4. Toggle desired Options on/off Team BReWErS is currently looking for * 100mbit+ affil sites * 10mbit+ dumps for exclusive use Don't hesitate to contact us at team.brewers@hush.ai Greetings are flying out to: all FRiENDS and DOX lovers biggup the uri gellar bevsters ascii by h8/HiGHONASCii
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 98.61 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 16, 2007 - 9:00pm