Dark Fall 2: Lights Out (Inventory Unlocker)
Text file description:
/ !V . . . . ` T h e N o v a T e a m ` ______________________________________________________________________SN/TNT_ TheNovaTeamTNTTNTTheNovaTeam Presents: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Dark Fall II: Lights Out *Hacked Inventory Cheat* (c)2004 The Adventure Company Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 08/29/2004 Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : None What is it? : Cheat OS Required : WinXX Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 01 x 2.88Meg Requirements : The Game -==--==- Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A SavedGame giving you access to all inventory items & turning on some devices/machinery within the game. You will start off at the BEGINNING of the game when using this saved game. Having all items at the start of the game seems rather pointless, but someone may find it useful. -> Today's greeting goes to the letter "I", I........ -==--==- Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. UnRAR this archive to your game directory. 2. Load the savegame "TNT.TXT" -==--==- TNT News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ we are back. The REAL TNT. Original DirName and original SFV info will be in our NFO files now! -==--==- TNT Members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You know who we are. And we know who you are. -==--==- the Greets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Groups : MnM, ORB, PDM, CORE, DRUNK, DARKNeZZ -==--==- TNT Sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try to find them.. -==--==- Joining TNT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crack/Code : We seek those who can produce game Cracks, NoCDs, or Trainers. Suppliers : Can you get software before its "official" release date? If so, then maybe you got what it takes to supply for TNT. Siteops : 10mbit or faster sites on linux/unix with at least 100gigs. Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] NFO Layout : Super Nova > Last Update by [Super Nova] <[08/02/2004] " no tag is the future? lol, get real! " phut,invpikeon,invfloppy1on,invcoinson,invprinton,invnobon,invtabon,invlaseron,invxion,invremoteon,invkeyon,invfloppy2on,invgoggleson,1,1,on,on,on,0,on,unsealed,
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 1.83 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 3, 2004 - 9:00pm