
World in Conflict (Unlocker)
Text file description:
bind store_camera_3 ctrl+f8 bind store_camera_2 ctrl+f7 bind store_camera_1 ctrl+f6 bind store_camera_0 ctrl+f5 bind undo_selection ctrl+z bind prev_ability shift+e bind next_ability shift+r bind backwards_move_modifier lshift+n bind close_or_skip escape bind attack f bind control_back s bind camera_to_lz space bind camera_swap_unitgroup x bind change_faction home bind chat backspace bind chat_team return bind create_squad_modifier ctrl bind cycle_behaviour g bind cycle_formation z bind deploy_spawner enter bind enter_building h bind enter_unit y bind exit_units u bind follow i bind control_forward w bind control_left a bind move n bind open_objectives_screen o bind pause pause bind control_right d bind reinforcements b bind repair j bind grab_screenshot prtscr bind select_squad_0 1 bind select_squad_1 2 bind select_squad_2 3 bind select_squad_3 4 bind select_squad_4 5 bind select_squad_5 6 bind select_squad_6 7 bind select_squad_7 8 bind select_squad_8 9 bind select_squad_9 0 bind set_spawn_position l bind show_all_health_markers alt bind show_score tab bind stack shift bind stack_modifier shift bind stop_units t bind tactical_aid v bind toggle_console tilde bind toggle_gui_drawing f10 bind toggle_megamap m bind voip_talkbutton c bind vote_yes pageup bind vote_no pagedown bind toggle_request q bind offensive_rechargable e bind defensive_rechargable r bind select_type_modifier ctrl bind disband_unit del bind resupply_squad ins bind shortcut_1 numpad1 bind shortcut_2 numpad2 bind shortcut_3 numpad3 bind shortcut_4 numpad4 bind shortcut_5 numpad5 bind shortcut_6 numpad6 bind shortcut_7 numpad7 bind shortcut_8 numpad8 bind shortcut_9 numpad9 bind shortcut_10 numpad0 bind shortcut_tab numpadplus bind restore_camera_0 f5 bind restore_camera_1 f6 bind restore_camera_2 f7 bind restore_camera_3 f8 bind switch_mouselook mbutton bind cursor_left -x bind cursor_right +x bind cursor_up -y bind cursor_down +y bind cursor_button_0 lbutton bind cursor_button_1 rbutton bind control_up -wheel bind control_down +wheel mouse_sensitivity 4 mouselook_sensitivity 10.0 invert_mouselook 0 invert_mousezoom 0 // --------- Available Actions ---------- // store_camera_3 - Store Camera 4 // store_camera_2 - Store Camera 3 // store_camera_1 - Store Camera 2 // store_camera_0 - Store Camera 1 // undo_selection - Undo Selection Change // prev_ability - Prev Special Ability // next_ability - Next Special Ability // backwards_move_modifier - Move Backwards // close_or_skip - // attack - Attack Ground // control_back - Camera Backwards // camera_to_lz - Go to Drop Zone // camera_swap_unitgroup - Swap Unit Group // change_faction - Change Faction // chat - Chat to All // chat_team - Chat to Team // create_squad_modifier - // cycle_behaviour - Hold Fire // cycle_formation - Change Formation // deploy_spawner - Deploy Units // enter_building - Enter Nearest Building // enter_unit - Enter Nearest Transport // exit_units - Unload // follow - Follow // control_forward - Camera Forward // control_left - Camera Left // move - Move // open_objectives_screen - Objectives Menu // pause - Pause // control_right - Camera Right // reinforcements - Reinforcements Menu // repair - Repair // grab_screenshot - Take Screenshot // select_squad_0 - // select_squad_1 - // select_squad_2 - // select_squad_3 - // select_squad_4 - // select_squad_5 - // select_squad_6 - // select_squad_7 - // select_squad_8 - // select_squad_9 - // set_spawn_position - Change Drop Zone // show_all_health_markers - // show_score - Scoreboard // stack - // stack_modifier - // stop_units - Stop // tactical_aid - Tactical Aid Menu // toggle_console - // toggle_gui_drawing - Toggle GUI Drawing // toggle_megamap - Mega Map // voip_talkbutton - VOIP Talk Button // vote_yes - Vote YES // vote_no - Vote NO // toggle_request - Request Menu // offensive_rechargable - Offensive Special Ability // defensive_rechargable - Defensive Special Ability // select_type_modifier - // disband_unit - Disband Selected Units // resupply_squad - Resupply Squad // shortcut_1 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 1 // shortcut_2 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 2 // shortcut_3 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 3 // shortcut_4 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 4 // shortcut_5 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 5 // shortcut_6 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 6 // shortcut_7 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 7 // shortcut_8 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 8 // shortcut_9 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 9 // shortcut_10 - Ingame Menu Shortcut 10 // shortcut_tab - Ingame Menu Tab // restore_camera_0 - Restore Camera 1 // restore_camera_1 - Restore Camera 2 // restore_camera_2 - Restore Camera 3 // restore_camera_3 - Restore Camera 4 // switch_mouselook - Mouse Look // cursor_left - // cursor_right - // cursor_up - // cursor_down - // cursor_button_0 - // cursor_button_1 - // control_up - Raise Camera Height // control_down - Lower Camera Height // available bindings // keyboard (use <key>+<key> for binding combo keys): // key_0 - ??? // escape - Esc // 1 - 1 // 2 - 2 // 3 - 3 // 4 - 4 // 5 - 5 // 6 - 6 // 7 - 7 // 8 - 8 // 9 - 9 // 0 - 0 // minus - * // equal - - // backspace - Backspace // tab - Tab // q - Q // w - W // e - E // r - R // t - T // y - Y // u - U // i - I // o - O // p - P // lbracket - // rbracket - // return - Enter // lctrl - Ctrl // a - A // s - S // d - D // f - F // g - G // h - H // j - J // k - K // l - L // semicolon - _ // nisse - i // tilde - " // lshift - Shift // backslash - , // z - Z // x - X // c - C // v - V // b - B // n - N // m - M // comma - // dot - // slash - . // rshift - Right Shift // numpadmul - Num * // lalt - Alt // space - Space // capslock - Caps Lock // f1 - F1 // f2 - F2 // f3 - F3 // f4 - F4 // f5 - F5 // f6 - F6 // f7 - F7 // f8 - F8 // f9 - F9 // f10 - F10 // numlock - Num Lock // scrolllock - Scroll Lock // numpad7 - Num 7 // numpad8 - Num 8 // numpad9 - Num 9 // numpadminus - Num - // numpad4 - Num 4 // numpad5 - Num 5 // numpad6 - Num 6 // numpadplus - Num + // numpad1 - Num 1 // numpad2 - Num 2 // numpad3 - Num 3 // numpad0 - Num 0 // numpaddot - Num Del // key_84 - Sys Req // key_85 - ??? // key_86 - < // key_87 - F11 // key_88 - F12 // key_89 - ??? // key_90 - ??? // key_91 - ??? // key_92 - ??? // key_93 - ??? // key_94 - ??? // key_95 - ??? // key_96 - ??? // key_97 - ??? // key_98 - ??? // key_99 - ??? // key_100 - ??? // key_101 - ??? // key_102 - ??? // key_103 - ??? // key_104 - ??? // key_105 - ??? // key_106 - ??? // key_107 - ??? // key_108 - ??? // key_109 - ??? // key_110 - ??? // key_111 - ??? // key_112 - ??? // key_113 - ??? // key_114 - ??? // key_115 - ??? // key_116 - ??? // key_117 - ??? // key_118 - ??? // key_119 - ??? // key_120 - ??? // key_121 - ??? // key_122 - ??? // key_123 - ??? // key_124 - F13 // key_125 - F14 // key_126 - F15 // key_127 - F16 // key_128 - ??? // key_129 - // key_130 - 1 // key_131 - 2 // key_132 - 3 // key_133 - 4 // key_134 - 5 // key_135 - 6 // key_136 - 7 // key_137 - 8 // key_138 - 9 // key_139 - 0 // key_140 - * // key_141 - - // key_142 - // key_143 - // key_144 - Q // key_145 - W // key_146 - E // key_147 - R // key_148 - T // key_149 - Y // key_150 - U // key_151 - I // key_152 - O // key_153 - P // key_154 - // key_155 - // enter - Num Enter // rctrl - Right Control // key_158 - A // key_159 - S // key_160 - D // key_161 - F // key_162 - G // key_163 - H // key_164 - J // key_165 - K // key_166 - L // key_167 - _ // key_168 - i // key_169 - " // key_170 - ??? // key_171 - , // key_172 - Z // key_173 - X // key_174 - C // key_175 - V // key_176 - B // key_177 - N // key_178 - M // numpadcomma - // key_180 - // numpaddiv - Num / // key_182 - ??? // prtscr - Prnt Scrn // ralt - Right Alt // key_185 - // key_186 - ??? // key_187 - ??? // key_188 - ??? // key_189 - ??? // key_190 - ??? // key_191 - ??? // key_192 - ??? // key_193 - ??? // key_194 - ??? // key_195 - ??? // key_196 - ??? // pause - Pause // key_198 - Break // home - Home // up - Up // pageup - Page Up // key_202 - - // left - Left // key_204 - ??? // right - Right // key_206 - + // end - End // down - Down // pagedown - Page Down // ins - Insert // del - Delete // key_212 - <00> // key_213 - ??? // key_214 - Help // key_215 - ??? // key_216 - ??? // key_217 - ??? // key_218 - ??? // lwin - Left Windows // rwin - Right Windows // appmenu - Application // key_222 - G // key_223 - Uyku // key_224 - ??? // key_225 - ??? // key_226 - ??? // key_227 - Uyanma // key_228 - ??? // key_229 - Ara // key_230 - S1k Kullan1lanlar // key_231 - Yenile // key_232 - Web'i Durdur // key_233 - 0leri // key_234 - Geri // key_235 - Bilgisayar1m // key_236 - Posta // key_237 - Ortam // key_238 - ??? // key_239 - ??? // key_240 - ??? // key_241 - ??? // key_242 - ??? // key_243 - ??? // key_244 - ??? // key_245 - ??? // key_246 - ??? // key_247 - ??? // key_248 - ??? // key_249 - ??? // key_250 - ??? // key_251 - ??? // key_252 - // key_253 - ??? // key_254 - ??? // key_255 - ??? // shift - Shift // alt - Alt // ctrl - Ctrl // mouse: // --- axis --- // x - X-ekseni // y - Y-ekseni // wheel - Tekerlek // --- buttons --- // lbutton - Dme 0 // rbutton - Dme 1 // mbutton - Dme 2 myGraphicsCardId 4098:29126 myAdapterId 0 myBrightnessValue 0 myGammaValue 0 myXPos 0 myYPos 0 myWidth 1024 myHeight 768 myRefreshRate 75 mySoundEffectsVolume 9 myMusicVolume 7 myMovieVolume 10 myVoiceVolume 7 myVoipInVolume 10 myVoipOutVolume 10 mySoundTroubleShootingValue 1 myCameraRotateSpeedModifier 3 myCameraMoveSpeedModifier 3 myForcePipelineSync 0 myUseVertexShaderVersion 0 myUsePixelShaderVersion 1 myShowCutsceneSubtitles 1 myFullscreenFlag 1 myVSyncFlag 1 myQualityScreenShotsFlag 1 myAutoActivateVoipFlag 0 myMuteVOIPFlag 0 myFSAA 2 myPhysicsDetail 2 myAnisotropicFiltering 0 myObjectLODLevelDistance 2 myObjectLODLevelMeshLOD 1 myParticleEmissionLevel 4 myWaterReflectionSize 256 myWiresQuality 3 mySpeedTreeLodFactor 1.200000 myShadowQuality 1 myWaterQuality 0 myTextureQuality 1 myTerrainTextureQuality 1 myUITextureQuality 1 myUseHighestLod 1 myDisplayWindowsMesh 1 myDisplayDetailMesh 0 myWreckFxFlag 1 myUnitTracksFlag 1 myUnitTracksLength 4 myDecalsFlag 1 myAutopropsFlag 1 myGrassFlag 1 myCratersFlag 0 myHighQualityTerrainFlag 0 myWaterReflectClouds 0 myWaterReflectUnits 1 myWaterReflectProps 1 myWaterReflectEffects 1 myWaterCrestsFlag 1 myWaterTrailsFlag 1 myRoadsFlag 1 myCloudsFlag 1 myCameraWarpEffectFlag 1 myZFeatherFlag 1 myParticlePhysicsFlag 1 myPostFXFlag 0 myPostFXSoftShadowsFlag 0 myPostFXBloomFlag 0 myPostFXHeatHazeFlag 0 mySpeedTreeShadowsFlag 1 mySpeedtreeHQShadersFlag 1 myTransparencyAAFlag 0 myVeryLowQualityFlag 0 myMaxFPS 0 mySurfaceQuality 3 myDualScreenFlag 0 myDX10Flag 0 myCloudShadowsFlag 0 myUseMobileOverlay 0 myShowAllHealthbarsFlag 0 myDisableHelpTipsFlag 0 mySkipTutorialFlag 1 myDisableFirstTimeTipFlags[0] 1 myDisableFirstTimeTipFlags[1] 1 myDisableFirstTimeTipFlags[2] 1 myDisableFirstTimeTipFlags[3] 0 myRotatingMinimapFlag 0 myAlwaysShowObjectiveTextFlag 1 FILTER_SHOW_DEST_ARROWS 1 FILTER_SHOW_GRID 1 FILTER_NUM_GRID_ELEMENTS 4 FILTER_SHOW_ENEMIES 1 FILTER_SHOW_ALLIES 1 FILTER_SHOW_PLAYER_NAMES 0 FILTER_SHOW_DZ 0 FILTER_SHOW_ALLY_DZ 0 FILTER_SHOW_DZ_INFO 1 FILTER_SHOW_TAS 1 FILTER_SHOW_TA_INFO 0 FILTER_SHOW_CPS 1 FILTER_SHOW_CP_NAMES 1 FILTER_SHOW_REQUESTS 1 FILTER_SHOW_REQUEST_NAMES 0 myCurrentCampaignName WIC myLastGameName World in Conflict Game myCampaignName Xit myPlayerName Player myLANPlayerName Player myLastSelectedDifficulty 0 myHaveDisplayedVoipWarning 0 MassplaySaveSettings 1 World in Conflict SaveGame... %100 complated...
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 495.65 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 7, 2007 - 9:00pm