Zeus Master Of Olympus
Text file description:
MtD! . .. ...Most Proudly Presents... .. . Zeus Master Of Olympus v1.0 And v1.01 Trainer Plus 13 (c) DiViNE Trained By.........: WaX Release Date........: 2001-01-21 Trainer Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another great trainer by team DVN! enjoy! WARNING: Will work on Win9x/ME ONLY! Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simple as usual, put in game dir, run trndvn.exe instead of zeus.exe, in the trainer window, click "Run Zeus", when started the game, (actually in the city, alt+tab to the trainer to use it ;) General Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nada nada nada nada.... DIVINE News & Information JOIN DIVINE TODAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If You live nearby a store such as EB, Babbages, Soft Etc and have time on weekday mornings to SUPPLY PC GAMES dont hesitate to contact us Now. EXPERIENCED C/C++ Coders are also wanted aswell as people that can Crack Game Protections such as Cd-checks, Serials, CDilla, Securom, VOB, Laserlok etc Contact us on IRC EFNET #DIVINE or Email us at: DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM WE ARE IN NO NEED OF ANY COURIERS So, You're Interested in becoming a DIVINE Member. If you fall within ANY of the following categories, you might just be what we're looking for: ( All COSTS are reimbursed ofcourse! ) You live on the EAST COAST, have a fast connection and live near an ELECTRONICS BOUTIQUE, BABBAGE'S, BEST BUY or any other STORE that sells software AND you can be availblee daytime to supply. You are connected to ANY of following categories: DISTRIBUTOR, PUBLISHER, SOFTWARE COMPANY, STORE/SHOP, GAME MAGAZINE, SOFTWARE PUBLISHING HOUSE, CD/DVD DUPLICATION FACTORY, PACKAGER. You work in the HARDWARE INDUSTRY and can supply FREE GOOD HARDWARE of any type. You are running a FTP SITE (T3 MINIMUM), SHELLBOX or TELNET BBS and want to be a DVN affil. If YOU match Any of the above or have Questions contact us NOW! DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM How to Contact DIVINE Via E-Mail : DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM Via the WWW : WWW.DIVINEGODS.COM Via IRC : #DIVINE on EFNET NOTE: WE DO NOT MAIL OR FTP MISSING DISKS OF OUR RELEASES, SO DO NOT ASK. DIVINE Greets F4CG - DVNVCD - FAIRLIGHT - X-FORCE - TFT - RAZOR - RISC - SLAC - PWA PARADOX - PINNACLE - DOD - RISE - SHOCK - XPRESSION - HOODLUM - POS "In, whAM, Thank You Ma'm"
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: dvnztr13.zip
File size: 11.67 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am