- Playstation 2
Unlock Aril
Hold LRZ, and press A, Y, B, X and Y on the character select screen to unlock Aril.
Unlock Briggs Different Costume
Hold LRZ, and press A, B, X, Y and X on the character select screen to unlock one of Briggs' alternate costumes.
Unlock Briggs Different Costume
Hold LRZ, and press A, B, Y, A and X on the character select screen to unlock another one of Briggs' alternate costumes.
Unlock Carla
Hold LRZ, and press A, Y, A, A and A on the character select screen to unlock Carla.
Unlock Chukklez
Hold LRZ, and press Y, Y, B, A and X on the character select screen to unlock Chukklez.
Unlock Cruz:
Hold LRZ, and press X, B, A, A and X on the character select screen to unlock Cruz.
Unlock D-Mob:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, B, Y, A and X on the character select screen to unlock D-Mob.
Unlock D-Mob Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, Y, B, Y and Y on the character select screen to unlock D-Mob's alternate costume.
Unlock Dan G:
Hold LRZ, and press A, X, A, X and Y on the character select screen to unlock Dan G.
Unlock Deebo:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, A, A and B on the character select screen to unlock Deebo.
Unlock Deja:
Hold LRZ, and press X, Y, X, X and A on the character select screen to unlock Deja.
Unlock DMX:
Hold LRZ, and press X, A, X, B and Y on the character select screen to unlock DMX.
Unlock Drake:
Hold LRZ, and press B, Y, X, A and A at the character select screen to unlock Drake.
Unlock Drake Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press A, B, B, X and X at the character select screen to unlock Drake's alternate costume.
Unlock Funkmaster Flex:
Hold LRZ, and press X, B, X, X and Y at the character select screen to unlock Funkmaster Flex.
Unlock Headache:
Hold LRZ, and press B, B, B, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Headache.
Unlock House:
Hold LRZ, and press B, A, B, X and A at the character select screen to unlock House.
Unlock Iceberg:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, B, X, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Iceberg.
Unlock Ludacris:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, X, Y and B at the character select screen to unlock Ludacris.
Unlock Manny Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press X, Y, X, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Manny's alternate costume.
Unlock Masa:
Hold LRZ, and press A, X, B, Y and Y at the character select screen to unlock Masa.
Unlock Method Man:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, X, A, B and X at the character select screen to unlock Method Man.
Unlock Moses:
Hold LRZ, and press B, B, Y, Y and A at the character select screen to unlock Moses.
Unlock N.O.R.E.:
Hold LRZ, and press X, Y, B, A and X at the character select screen to unlock N.O.R.E.
Unlock Nyne:
Hold LRZ, and press X, Y, B, A and X at the character select screen to unlock Nyne.
Unlock Omar:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, Y, B and B at the character select screen to unlock Omar.
Unlock Opal:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, Y, Y and B at the character select screen to unlock Opal.
Unlock Peewee:
Hold LRZ, and press A, A, Y, B and Y at the character select screen to unlock Peewee.
Unlock Peewee Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press A, B, B, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Peewee's alternate costume.
Unlock Penny:
Hold LRZ, and press A, A, A, B and X at the character select screen to unlock Penny.
Unlock Pockets:
Hold LRZ, and press B, Y, X, Y and A at the character select screen to unlock Pockets.
Unlock Proof Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press A, Y, B, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Proof's alternate costume.
Unlock Razor:
Hold LRZ, and press B, Y, B, X and A at the character select screen to unlock Razor.
Unlock Razor Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, X, A, B and B at the character select screen to unlock Razor's alternate costume.
Unlock Redman:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, B, Y and A at the character select screen to unlock Redman.
Unlock Ruffneck:
Hold LRZ, and press A, Y, A, B and X at the character select screen to unlock Ruffneck.
Unlock Ruffneck Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, X, B, A and Y at the character select screen to unlock Ruffneck's alternate costume.
Unlock Scarface:
Hold LRZ, and press X, Y, A, B and Y at the character select screen to unlock Scarface.
Unlock Sketch:
Hold LRZ, and press B, B, X, Y and A at the character select screen to unlock Sketch.
Unlock Snowman:
Hold LRZ, and press B, B, A, A and X at the character select screen to unlock Snowman.
Unlock Spider Different Costume:
Hold LRZ, and press Y, B, A, Y and X at the character select screen to unlock Spider's alternate costume.
Unlock Steel:
Hold LRZ, and press A, B, X, X and B at the character select screen to unlock Steel.
Unlock T'ai:
Hold LRZ, and press X, X, Y, A and X at the character select screen to unlock T'ai.
Unlock Zaheer:
Hold LRZ, and press B, B, Y, A and A at the character select screen to unlock Zaheer.
Sites Unlocked
Unlock Omar & Deebo
Finish story mode using all 4 story mode fighters
Steal Opponents Finishing Move
To steal your opponents move is to get your blaze meter up and activated it.Next do a weak or strong grapple and the Y and A together to humiliate them with there own move
Character Combos
Briggs lvl. 1
Dishonorable Discharge
Hard StrikeYmove toword opponent Hard GrabbleA right or A left Head SubmissionA
Friendly Fire
Running Combo Strike Y A, Y Ground StrikeA
Briggs lvl. 2
War Cry
Soft Grabble Y Leg SubmissionA
Briggs lvl. 3
Show of Force
Soft Corner GrabbleA Ground StrikeY Ground StrikeY
Proof lvl. 1
Soft GrabbleY Ground StrikeY
Proof lvl. 2
Set Trippin'
Runing StrikeY right Soft GrabbleY left or Y right Head SubmissionA
Proof lvl. 3
Bullet Proof
Hard Strike Y and move toward the opponent Soft Irish Whip GabbleA, X D-pad toward ropes, A right Running Ground StrikeY
Easy way to make characters submit
Choose Spider as your character. Grapple A and then press A up or A down after this move the opponent should be on the floor with their legs facing you. When they are on the floor press A and you will do a move which damages their leg health. When the move ends and the opponent gets on to his feet repeat the process grapple, then A up or A down the A when the opponent is on the floor.
Unlock Funk Master Flex and his arena
Beat the story mode with 1 of the 4 people and after you beat D-Mob You will unlock Funk Master Flex and his arena.