- Playstation 4
General Tips
The O.W.L. can be super useful in Shadow Fall. It attacks soldiers, hacks terminals to prevent reinforcements, and so forth. Use it often to give yourself an advantage.
Don't fret if you happen to be low on ammo. When you kill enemies, they often drop their weapons. They may be less useful than what you currently have equipped, but a gun is pretty useless without ammo.
Remember to press up on the d-pad to see objectives. It's a lot easier to get lost in Shadow Fall than in past Killzone games.
Experiment with classes in multiplayer. Everyone loves to shoot things, but there may be cases in which a support class proves more useful to the team.
Complete challenges to upgrade your weapons and abilities.
Use your abilities often. There's no point in holding onto a special ability if you're just going to die.
Be a team player. Work with the group and try to succeed in a particular role. It's not always about shooting the other team and racking up kills.
Obtain all Killzone Shadow Fall trophies
The Savior
Complete level ‘The Savior’ and prevent the escalation of a new war
Elite Shadow Marshal
Complete all missions on Hard difficulty
Multiplayer Elite
Complete 400 challenges
Million Points
Get a total of 1,000,000 points in multiplayer
Jack Of All Trades
Max out all upgradable abilities
Weapons Specialist
Unlock all attachments for all weapons
The Dead
Complete level ‘The Dead’
The Destroyer
Complete level ‘The Destroyer’
In singleplayer, kill 6 Helghast with headshots within a single adrenaline rush
Shadows Cannot Be Killed
Complete the campaign on any difficulty without dying
The Knowledge
Find all collectibles in the campaign
Win a match on every multiplayer map
On Your Way
Complete 200 challenges
Earn a total of 500 accolades
The Father
Complete level ‘The Father’
The Shadow
Complete level ‘The Shadow’
In ‘The Shadow’, operate without raising an alarm or disabling the security mainframe
The Doctor
Complete level ‘The Doctor’
The Patriot
Complete level ‘The Patriot’
The Helghast
Complete level ‘The Helghast’
The Agent
Complete level ‘The Agent’
The Handler
Complete level ‘The Handler’
New Shadow
In ‘The Savior’, complete the mission without being spotted
Violence is the answer?
In ‘The Savior’, kill 20 soldiers and still complete the mission
In singleplayer, get a quadruple kill with a single Frag Grenade#
In singleplayer, kill 5 Helghast with gunfire while ziplining
Conscientious Killer
Complete the campaign on any difficulty without shooting any civilians
Find 50% of the collectibles in the campaign
Complete a match on every multiplayer map
Max out any upgradable Scout ability
Max out any upgradable Support ability
Max out any upgradable Assault ability
Dark Souls reference
When you first start, look on the walls to find a poster for "Dark Trolls" which features the main character from Dark Souls being chased by a large troll.
Insurgent DLC: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy How to unlock
All Flavors (Bronze) Make a kill with all primary weapons as an Insurgent.
Finders Keepers (Bronze) Collect 25 Online Collectibles.
Hacktivist (Bronze) Reach the maximum level for the Hacking Ability.
Kleptomania (Bronze) Reach the maximum level for the Stealing Ability.
Like a Boss (Gold) Finish the campaign in Elite mode.
New Toys! (Silver) Reach the maximum level for the E-Pulse Emitter, Tactical Echo Emitter, and Guard Drone.
Remember Me? (Bronze) Make 25 kills with each one of the Retro weapons.
Secret Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy How to unlock
New Shadow (Bronze) In 'The Savior', complete the mission without being spotted.
The Savior (Gold) Complete level 'The Savior' and prevent the escalation of a new war.
Violence is the answer? (Bronze) In 'The Savior', kill 20 soldiers and still complete the mission.