NBA Hangtime - Various Cheats

NBA Hangtime - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Enter any of the following "Codes" at the MatchUp screen use A CDown CRight to change numbers:

Code Effect
273 Stealth Turbo
616 Increase the Blocking Rate
937 Activate Legal Goaltending
390 No Pushing
048 No Background Music
461 Unlimited Turbo
552 Hyper Speed
802 Max Power
025 Baby Mode
111 Tourh3nt Mode
120 Quick Passing
709 Max Steal

More Various Cheats

At Tonight's MatchUp screen enter any of the following "Codes":

Effect Code
Shot Percentage Rotate Joystick Once
Big Heads Hold Up and press Turbo Pass
Huge Heads Up Up Pass Turbo
No Tag Arrow Left Left Pass Turbo
No Drifting Down Down Steal Turbo
Turbo ABA Ball Hold Right and press Steal
Rooftop Jam Hold Left and press Turbo Turbo Turbo

Submitted by: EXCalibre