Infinity Ward: Initial Modern Warfare 2 Budget Was 'Ridiculous'

Infinity Ward: Initial Modern Warfare 2 Budget Was 'Ridiculous' Infinity Ward: Initial Modern Warfare 2 Budget Was 'Ridiculous'

Speaking to Develop, Infinity Ward studio's community manager Robert Bowling recalled that at the beginning to Modern Warfare 2 development, the game's publisher, Activision, assigned a "ridiculous" budget for the project.

It seems that Activision followed the basic business formula of more money = better product = more sales = more money. Infinity Ward, however, followed another school of thought: "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."

"Much like we don't let ourselves get distracted by hype, if you have excess you feel like you should use excess," Bowling said. Even though Activision "estimated out a ridiculous budget", Infinity Ward "didn't let the budget affect [its] mentality."