Some gamers flit between games, playing whatever they're in the mood for on any given day, while others will slog away at the same title, day after day, week after week, and sometimes year after year, dedicating huge portions of their lives to a singular experience. Moving on from such games can be an emotional ride, one that leaves you wondering just what you'll do with your time... until the next big game comes along.
Often you can see that new game coming. You hear the product announcements, you see the trailers, you know you're going to play it and potentially play it a lot. Maybe your friends are getting ready for it. Maybe it's a sequel to a game you love, or a remaster, one that will give you that taste of what you so loved about its predecessor but in a new, fancy, HD version.
So, do you have a game like that you're excited for?
I'm typically the kind of gamer that drifts from game to game, rarely finishing anything or dedicating more than a week or two to my latest obsession. But there is one game, or rather, an expansion for a game that I know is going to eat up my time in the next few months.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This expansion has more content than the base game and brings with it G-Rank-style quests, more armor and weapons to create, new accessories and items, new areas to explore, and more importantly new and classic monsters to fight. After having cleared out the base game and with a few months of downtime between stopping playing the original World, I'm hotly excited for the expansion.
I'll be waiting for the PC version this Winter, but it'll be worth it. That gives me a little more time to mentally prepare myself for some 30 minute solo slogs against World's toughest new beasties.
What will your next big game be?