Halo: Combat Evolved v1.07 (+8 Trainer)

Halo: Combat Evolved v1.07 (+8 Trainer)

Halo: Combat Evolved v1.07 (+8 Trainer)

Text file description:

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                                     ExTaLiA Gamehacking Team
         |            Proudly Present: Halo: Combat Evolved v1.07 +8 Trainer           |
             [ Author          ] ..... Razneb
             [ Contact         ] ..... cyber_trance10@hotmail.com
             [ Release         ] ..... Halo: Combat Evolved v1.07 Trainer
             [ Options         ] ..... +8
             [ File Size       ] ..... 90 kb
             [ Release Version ] ..... 1.0
             [ Release Date    ] ..... 8/07/05
         |                                Release Usage                                |
             F1  -  Infinite Health
             F2  -  Infinite Bullets
             F3  -  Infinite Grenades
             F4  -  Infinite Overshield
             F5  -  Infinite Battery Charge
             F6  -  Infinite Flash Light
             F7  -  No Weapon Overheat
             F8  -  Instant Kill
             F9  -  Deactivate Trainer
         |                              A Few Words ...                                |
             Infinite Health - Makes you invulnurable to any obstacle the game could
                               possibly throw at you.  This includes: grenades,
                               vehicles,cliffs.  NOTHING CAN KILL YOU.
             Infinite Bullets - Anything that uses munitions of any sort is now infinite
                               in quantity.
             Infinite Grenades - Allows you to utilize and infinite quantity
                               of grenades.
             Infinite Overshield - Makes it to where your overshield's power will
                               never depelete.  However, an Overshield does not protect
                               you from things such as: grenades, gehicles, and cliffs.
             Infinite Battery Charge - Any weapons that use a battery charge to operate
                               now have an infinite amount of charge.
             Infinite Flash Light - The Master Chief's flash light power will never
             No Weapon Overheat - Covenant weapons can now be fired for a time only
                               limited by its battery charge.
             Instant Kill - All enemies can now be killed with one shot/punch/etc.
             Deactivate Trainer - Return the game back to its normal statis, rendering
                               any activated cheats inactive.
         |                               Razneb's Greets                               |
         |                                                                             |
         |The Extalia member directory is respected by the Extalia council and members.|
         |   Copyrights/work/trades registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.   |
         |                                                                             |
         |                                www.extalia.com                              |
                                  "Asm makes the world go round"

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 55.42 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ