Sin Episode 1: Emergence v1.1 (+10 Trainer)
Text file description:
P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! ! SiN Episode 1 Emergence Update 1 PLUS 10 TRAINER (C) Unleashed Release Date : 05-23-2006 ISO By : PROViSiON Release Type : Trainer Game Genre : Shooter Release Notes: In-game Hotkeys: NUMPAD0 Toggle Infinite Health NUMPAD1 Toggle Infinite Ammunition NUMPAD2 Toggle Infinite Oxygen NUMPAD3 Toggle Infinite Poison Resistance NUMPAD4 Toggle 1 Hit Kills NUMPAD5 Toggle Enemy Freeze NUMPAD6 Toggle Grenade Holding NUMPAD7 Toggle Flash Grenades NUMPAD8 Toggle Super Jump / Low Gravity NUMPAD9 Toggle Cheater Status END Back to Normal Infinite Ammunition This option will not only give the player unlimited ammunition, but it will also fill the player's ammunition up in case they do not have any. The player will receive 5 grenades, 5 alternatate shots and 99 bullets for all guns. When enabling the infinite ammunition option, keep in mind that you will not see the given grenades or alternative shots until you have tried using them. Infinite Oxygen This option will let the player stay under water indefinitely. DO NOT enable the infinite oxygen option from the startup menu. It MUST BE activated after a single player game has been started or a bug will occur. This bug is non-critical, but it can be annoying as it causes a gulping sound to play on top of the background music. If this happens to you, simply press END and then either restart the game or type startupmenu in the game's console. Infinite Poison Resistance This option works like a permanent gas mask. Mutagen gas clouds can no longer affect the player in any way as long as this is enabled. 1 Hit Kills This option allows you to kill any enemy by shooting them one time with any gun. Enemy Freeze Freezing enemies will prevent all enemies from moving and shooting at you. Grenade Holding Enabling this option lets you hold the mouse button down when throwing a grenade so the player can run around with the grenade as long as they want before throwing it. Flash Grenades This option will turn the player's existing grenades into flash grenades. These grenades can be used to blind enemies. Disabling this option will turn all grenades back to normal. Super Jump / Low Gravity This option allows for higher jumping to occur due to low, moon-like Cheater Status If the game catches you cheating, it will change your status to a cheater. This option allows the player to toggle their cheater status on/off however they desire. For best results, toggle this option while playing and then goto the stats window to view the updated cheater status. Make sure that the stats window is closed before attempting to change the cheater status. Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition! engine + gfx by ape & mindphuck music by sinatra
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 59.6 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
May 25, 2006 - 9:00pm