- PC
Game Cheats:
Exclusive Gun Upgrade Effect:
The following guns (except for the Killer 7) have the indicated exclusive effect.
Extra firepower.
Extra firepower.
Pierce 5 enemies with one bullet.
Broken Butterfly:
Extreme Firepower (50).
Semi-Automatic Rifle:
Faster fire rate (one shot per .80 seconds).
Same attack power for any distance (sniper-like effect).
Five times the chance of critical headshot (exploding head).
Riot Gun:
Extra firepower.
100 shells per clip.
Bolt-Action Rifle:
Extreme Firepower (30).
Homing mines, larger blast radius.
Extra firepower.
100 bullet clip.
Unlimited ammunition.
Separate Ways Mini-Game Completion Bonuses:
When you complete the Separate Ways mini-game Ashley's knight costume and Leon's gangster costume will become available. Ashley's suit of armour is bullet and damage proof and she cannot be hurt by anything. The armour is so heavy Ashley cannot be carried away when she is wearing it. When you pick her up in the armour you do not have to worry about giving her First Aid Sprays, Herbs, or shooting Ganados.
Easy Money:
Always kill any crow that you see as they always drop money. Some crows will drop Spinels and Velvet Blues.
Unlock P.are.L. 412:
On Professional difficulty clear Leon's Story to unlock the PRL 412 weapon. It has two settings (stun and kill) which you activate by holding or tapping the fire button. It also has infinite ammunition.
Unlock Extra Items
The following items are only available from the 2nd Round.
Unlock Matilda:
Beat the game once.
Unlock Infinite Rocket Launcher:
Beat the game once.
Unlock P.R.L. 412:
Beat the game on Professional mode once.
Unlock Handcannon:
In ALL Mercenaries stages with every characters get a 5 star rank.
Unlock Chicago Typewriter - Main game:
Beat Separate Way once.
Unlock Chicago Typewriter - Separate Way:
Clear Assignment Ada.
Unlock Mecenaries Characters
Unlock Krauser:
With 4 or more stars rank clear Castle stage.
Unlock Ada:
With 4 or more stars rank clear Village stage.
Unlock HUNK:
With 4 or more stars rank clear Military stage.
Unlock Wesker:
With 4 or more stars rank clear Waterworld stage.