- GameCube
Easy kills: After you kill the hatchet guy as soon as you start the game, go upstairs to the window. Do not jump out. Instead, take out your pistol and shoot the glass out. Then, carefully aim for the villagers' heads that are awaiting outside. There are three of them. If you kill all three, you can jump out and avoid any damage. Easy money: Easy money in castle: Extra ammunition: Extra scene: Finding items: Game trailers: Getting the Green Catseye in the church: Golden egg: HandCannon: Infinite villagers in the church: Interesting death sequences: Betrayal: When you are in the cabin surrounded by Ganados, shoot Luis Sera about five to eight times. An intermission sequence will begin. Chief Mendez: In the barn fight, do not evade his grab in the intermission sequence. Del Lago before fighting him: Stand on the dock by the lake where you fight the giant alligator Del Lago. Fire your shotgun into the water several times. Eventually, Del Lago will come out and eat you. Del Lago when fighting him: After getting knocked out of the boat, swim back until you are just in reach of the boat. Del Lago will appear from underneath. Additionally, after killing Del Lago, do not cut the rope. Giant insects: Let them vomit on you. "It": "It" has three ways of killing Leon. The first is when he is on the roof. He will grab Leon and snap his neck. Another is when he has the scissors tail. He will grab Leon by the legs and cut him in half. The finwl way happens after the three cages fall and the final fight on the cliff side begins. Shoot him until he goes underground. Allow him to kill you when he pops from under you. Knife fight: At the end, let him press the knife through the cavity. Molotov cocktails: In the beginning of the game, go up the ladder into the tower and wait for the villagers to burn you alive. Prison Boss: Have low life and let him kill you with the first hit of his charge. He should impale you twice. Regenerators: Both normal and spiked varieties have their own style of killing Leon. Two Los Gigantes: In the magma floor/pool, activate the switch and stand next to the pool. Trap door floor: Let Leon fall through the trap door that Salazar actives. Wolves: When they jump on you, they will ravage your face. Once Leon is killed, look at their teeth. Killing birds: Killing large crowds with TMP: Killing snakes: Killing the merchant: Leon shows off: Leon's X-ray vision: Look up Ashley's skirt without her stopping you: After you defeat Ramon Salazar, walk further and there will be an intermission sequence where Ada will ask Leon if he needs a ride, and he accepts. When Ada brings him to the island, she will hook a rope onto the top of a cliff and say" I have some business to take care of". While she is saying that, look at her skirt especially when she goes to jump up. You can also see more of Ashley than usual when you jump out the window of the church and when you get on the jet ski. Mercenaries mini-game tips: More items: Open doors quicker: Opening locks: P.N. 03 reference: Pearl Pendant: Punisher: Quick money or more health: Saddler comment: Sell the rocket launcher special to the merchant: Selling items: Surviving the raid at the farmhouse: Once in the farmhouse, collect all the items while pushing the shelves against the windows. Stand in the corner by the stairs with Luis and fire until he tells you to go upstairs. Once up, stand in northwest corner when facing down the stairs, and concentrate on firing in the direction of the stairs and pushing down the two ladders in that corner so that you do not become surrounded. Because the raid continues until you kill a certain number, block two windows and shoot out the third until the enemies break in. Then, block the third window and deal with the other two. This allows you to get several kills in before it starts getting hectic. Throw eggs at Ashley: Two routes: Valuable jewels: Aim faster: Annoy Ashley: Avoid damage from traps: Avoid fighting El Gigante the second time: Black Bass recovery in sewer: Bonus characters in Mercenaries mini-game Albert Wesker: Waterworld Broken Butterfly in castle: Bypass chainsaw man encounters: Chapter 2-1 puzzle: Chapter 3-4 puzzle: 1 2 3 Press X on the following in this order: 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 3, 1, 7, 9. Chicago Typewriter: Completion bonuses: Control title screen: Crown Jewels: Defeating chainsaw men: Defeating Del Lago lake monster: Defeating dogs: Defeating El Gigante: You will have to fight four El Gigantes the big monster that breaks through the door and picks up and crushes Leon. You will fight one by yourself, one with the girl, and two at the same time by yourself. The quickest way to kill them is to buy a rocket launcher immediately before the fight so that you do not take waste space in you inventory. Throw a flash grenade to stun him, then run around behind and shoot him in the back. You will kill him in one hit. The same can also be done on most of the Bosses. If this does not kill them, it will do a lot of damage. To win easily against the two El Gigantes in Chapter 4-2, go up the ladder and go down the rope on the other side of the room to activate the mechanism. It will open the circle in the middle of the room and take an El Gigante into the lava. Do not try it a second time; the mechanism will not work again. Just use the rocket launcher to finish the remaining El Gigante. Defeating enemies on bridges: Defeating flying insects: Defeating Gothic Illuminados: Defeating human zombies: Defeating Krauser: To easily defeat Krauser's final form, when his arm is mutated just use your knife whenever his guard is down. It is possible to defeat him in a little over a minute under the pro difficulty setting by using this technique. Additionally, when fighting Krauser, instead of wasting ammunition, use your knife. You should only have to hit him four or five times before he dies. Defeating Los Illuminados: Defeating Saddler: The most effective way to win this battle is to have the Mine Thrower and some grenades. Start the battle by running past Saddler to the end platform and climb up the ladder. Wait for Saddler to get close to where you are and throw the switch. This will trigger steel beams to crash into him. Saddler will flop down on the ground. Quickly jump off the platform and go near him. Press X to trigger Leon to "climb up". Leon will stab his eye. You must stab Saddler around six times to defeat him. Quickly run across the bridge and get ready to do an action command to jump when the bridge falls. As Leon grabs on, repeatedly tap X to climb up. Be aware if Saddler has not jumped over to where you are, he will throw steel beams and you will have to do action commands to dodge them. Run to the end, and once again climb up the ladder. Get ready to throw the switch and cause Saddler to fall and stab him. There are now multiple ways to get him to flop down. A single grenade is enough, as well as a Dart Mine. You can use these to get him to fall. You get also take out the thermal scope for your sniper and target one of the four eyes on his legs. Those are all good ways to get Leon to stab his eye. Stabbing Saddler's eye is the only way to damage him. Finally, when you haved stab him enough an intermission sequence will appear, and Ada will throw a Rocket Launcher Special to you to finish the job. Grab it across the bridge and make room for it in your case. Point and shoot at Saddler, and the final battle intermission sequence will begin. Defeating Salazar: When you are in the castle, you may find a rocket launcher in the room where you must make a bridge to get to the other side. Take the rocket launcher but do not use it. Wait for your fight with Salazar to use it to end Chapter 4 easily. Immediately before the Boss battle with Salazar, take the TMP, the rocket launcher, some herbs, and a shotgun Striker recommended, but the Riot Gun works. When you enter the room, watch Salazar fuse with the monster, then get to work. Use the shotgun or TMP on the tentacle to your left until it goes away. Grab the item that is at the end, then fire with the TMP until Salazar appears. Then, equip that rocket launcher and fire for a one hit kill. Get the 30,000 or 50,000 Peseta that he drops. This will pay for the rocket you used, and you will save health for the next chapter. Once the Pesata is collected, go down into the pit and pick up the remaining items. You can then leave and proceed to Chapter 5. Defeating the armored opponents: Defeating the Enemy Regenerator and Iron Maiden: Defeating the prison Boss: Destroying the insect nest: Easy completion in Mercenaries mini-game in Village: |