Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Gold +7 trainer

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Gold +7 trainer

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Gold +7 trainer

Text file description:

The Heroes Of Might & Magic II UGE Module by David Melanson
	Greetings!  For those of you unfamiliar with my previous work,
this is now the 25th plug-in module I have designed in support of
Jack Hartman's Universal Game Editor (UGE) program.  Other modules
include the ever-popular Stonekeep, Anvil of Dawn, Might & Magic III,
IV, V, Swords of Xeen, Warcraft II, and quite a few more...
	I offer these modules for no registration fee, but I do ask
that users of the modules register the base program with Jack Hartman
(jhartman@ix.netcom.com).  All right, enough advertising.  Let's get
on with the show...
FIRST: How to set up UGE.  To accomplish this, I've lifted a couple
questions from the UGE FAQ I've written:
Q: "How do I set up Universal Game Editor?"
A: First, create a directory on your hard drive to hold the programs. Then use PKUNZIP version 2.04g or
better...or WinZIP ...to uncompress the UGE10.ZIP file into the new directory. If you want to use a plug-in
module, also use the same program(s) to uncompress the zipped module file into the same directory.
Q: "Will Universal Game Editor work in Windows 95?"
A: Yes, it will work in Windows 95 without a problem. Just set up a Shortcut to UGE.EXE.
Q: "How do I install a plug-in module?"
A: Start up UGE. You have to Add the game to the main menu screen (blue) that appears. As that suggests, press
the "A" key. A red box will appear on the right. Type the name of the game in there and press Enter (actually,
you can type anything you like; it won't matter, but typing the name of the game just might be useful for
identifying it later on!) Now a list of files with the extension ".mdl" will appear in a box on the right. (There will
also be one called "**New File**," which you DON'T want to choose right now...later, if you decide to create
your own modules, this will be very useful).
Use the arrow keys to highlight the file that says GAMENAME.MDL, where GAMENAME, once again, is the
name of the game (or an abbreviation or approximation), then press Enter. Now you should see a directory listing
of your hard drive in the box on the right. Use your arrow keys to select the file you wish to edit, in the following
Use the arrow keys to highlight the directory where the actual GAME (NOT U.G.E!!) is stored on the hard drive.
Press Enter. Now scroll up and down the list and look for a saved game file...usually, the module's instructions will
tell you the name of the file to look for (so read the instructions) but as a general rule, the file formats take one of
several forms:
     If you saved a game with a specific name, you may see that name followed by a three digit extension (for
     example, you named a saved game WALKING, then you might see WALKING.SAV or WALKING.DAT
     or something similar...that's your saved game file).
     Maybe there is a separate directory for saved games...usually, this'll be named SAVES or SAVEGAME or
     GAMES or something like that...go into that by highlighting it, then pressing Enter...and then keep looking.
     Sometimes games are saved with numeric extensions that indicate which "slot" they are saved in...for
     example, let's say a game has a "Save Game" screen with ten available slots for games. When you save to
     the first slot, you create, say, a game called GAME.001, or GAME0.SAV, or something like that. When
     you save the game to the SECOND slot, you create a file called GAME.002, or GAME1.SAV, or
     something like that. Some games start numbering with 1, some with 0. It's a matter of which game you're
     Still other games save a series of game files in a numeric subdirectory...for example, let's say a game has
     ten subdirectories called SAVE01, SAVE02, SAVE03, etc...to SAVE10. Inside THOSE directories are the
     saved game files for the various slots...once again, these work the same way as a numeric extension-ed
     game file...so that, if you save a game in the first "slot" of the saved game screen, the files you want to
     modify would be in the SAVE01 subdirectory. If you save in the second slot, the files would be in the
     SAVE02 subdirectory.
EXAMPLE FOR THIS MODULE: Heroes of Might & Magic II
The game file you want has the extension .GM1 and will be stored in a subdirectory of
the directory where Heroes II is stored called GAMES.  SO...if you installed to Windows 95,
chances are you installed it in the default (C:ProgramFilesHeroes2) directory, so the
file you would want would show up in UGE's "directory" menu as C:PROGRA~1HEROES2GAMES.
The file name will be whatever you called the game when you saved it.  For example, to
edit the Tutorial game, the file name would be TUTORIAL.GM1.  If you called a game
"MyGame," then the file name would be MYGAME.GM1.  All of the separate modules for
HOMM II should be set to affect the same saved game file (it's not NECESSARY to use
every single module, but if you want the FULL range of options, it will be necessary).
There should be a total of 11 modules.  When you Add each to your UGE menu (as
described above), the files should be named something like this as menu choices to keep
proper track of them:
	HOMM2.MDL  	-> "Heroes Of M&M II-Basics"
	HOMM2_C1.MDL	-> "Castles #1-36"
	HOMM2_C2.MDL	-> "Castles #37-72"
	HOMM2_H1.MDL	-> "Heroes #1-7"
	HOMM2_H2.MDL	-> "Heroes #8-14"
	HOMM2_H3.MDL	-> "Heroes #15-21"
	HOMM2_H4.MDL	-> "Heroes #22-28"
	HOMM2_H5.MDL	-> "Heroes #29-35"
	HOMM2_H6.MDL	-> "Heroes #36-42"
	HOMM2_H7.MDL	-> "Heroes #43-49"
	HOMM2_H8.MDL	-> "Heroes #50-54"
	These modules, when all installed, can affect EVERY single hero and castle in
the game (the game can handle a maximum of 54 heroes and 72 castles).  For those of
you who are wondering...why 54 heroes?  Consider: There are a maximum of six players.
Each player can have a maximum of 8 heroes.  This would seem to indicate that 48
would be enough.  But when all players have 7 heroes apiece and go to a town to recruit
an eighth, the game likes to give an option of 2 available heroes...thus the "extra"
six heroes. As for the number of castles...I really don't know.  Guess that's the
program's memory limit.  But I think that's quite enough castles...
        When you unzipped the file, a small batch file called CAMPAIGN.BAT
should have come with it.  Exit to a DOS prompt and run this batch file
(type "CAMPAIGN" from your UGE directory and hit Enter).  After a few
gyrations, you should now have eleven MORE modules.  These are configured
to edit Campaign games and cannot edit Standard games. (the original
"standard game" modules still exist and can be used as listed above!)
        Install these in UGE EXACTLY the same way as described above, with
the exception that the extension for Campaign Games is .GMC, as opposed to
.GM1, and the file names should be as follows:
        CAMPAIGN.MDL       -> "Heroes Of M&M II-Basics"
        CAMPC1.MDL    -> "Castles #1-36"
        CAMPC2.MDL    -> "Castles #37-72"
        CAMPH1.MDL    -> "Heroes #1-7"
        CAMPH2.MDL    -> "Heroes #8-14"
        CAMPH3.MDL    -> "Heroes #15-21"
        CAMPH4.MDL    -> "Heroes #22-28"
        CAMPH5.MDL    -> "Heroes #29-35"
        CAMPH6.MDL    -> "Heroes #36-42"
        CAMPH7.MDL    -> "Heroes #43-49"
        CAMPH8.MDL    -> "Heroes #50-54"
        Other than that, the modules will behave EXACTLY the same way as
listed in the descriptions below!
	Okay, on to what the modules do...when playing this game, are you distressed
by the incredible number of monsters roaming in the wilderness?  The difficulty of
keeping ownership of mines?  The annoyance of having to only build ONE structure every
turn?  The difficulty in gaining new spells?  The time it takes to get from one place
to another (and while you're travelling, some other player sneaks up out of nowhere
and attacks your castle?) Well, with these modules, you can solve almost all of these
problems at once!
	The first module...Basics...tells a few things about the six players.  For
each of the six players (if only 2-5 are playing, it'll show data for the "others"
which aren't playing, but ignore it), you can (by scrolling through a bit) alter the
amount of each resource (Wood, Mercury, Ore, Sulfur, Gems, Crystals, Gold) that each
player has (need a billion or so gold?  Go ahead, give it to yourself!).  The
other fields in this module (Player (number) Hero 1-8 and Player (number) Castle 1-72)
should NOT have the values in them changed (doing so causes all sorts of horrible
game crashes).  Instead, they're there so you can keep an easy track on who's got
what heroes and who's got which castles.  For instance, let's say you're Player 1.
The Basics module shows Player 1 has Hero # 23 as his first hero and Hero # 15 as
his second hero.  To determine where in the "Heroes" modules the data on these
heroes is, add ONE to each (i.e. first hero value is "24" and second hero value is
"16" <this is because just about everything in the game starts counting with 0>)  So
to find the info on the first hero, you'd use the module listed as "Heroes #22-28"
and to find the info on the second hero, you'd use the module listed as
"Heroes #15-21."  Similarly, if it shows that you own Castle #22, you'd find all the
data on the castle in the module labelled "Castles #1-36."
	To determine WHICH in a file the one you want to modify is, just do a little
arithmetic; subtract the number shown in the "Basics" module (plus 1, as stated above)
from the SMALLEST number of the appropriate module, then add TWO.  So, in the above
example, Player 1's first hero (24) appears in the "Heroes #22-28" module.  The
smallest number in the appropriate module is 22.  So the hero position is (24-22)+1 =
"Hero 3" in the Heroes #22-28 module.  Probably an EASIER way to do this is just to
go to the appropriate module and scan through, looking for the NAME of the hero you
want to modify.  Once you've found the appropriate Castle or Hero you want to change,
here's what you can do with them:
For each castle you can:
Change Castle "Type."  It'll look the same from the outside, but inside, all the
buildings will change to match the appropriate "type."  The types are as follows:
0=Knight	1=Barbarian	2=Sorceress	3=Warlock	4=Wizard
Edit what types of monster appear in each of the castle's five "troop slots."
A "-1" in a slot indicates there's nothing there currently.  To see what you can set
each slot to, see Table 1: Unit Types, below.  Immediately after the monster "types,"
you can edit how MANY monsters appear in each slot (so you can have 30,000+ monsters
in one slot...easily!)
Edit the four castle "Structure Factors," which determine what buildings appear in
the castle's overall structure.  What buildings appear is dependent on the castle
type...for a complete list of what the structure factors are responsible for, see
Table 2: Structure Factors, below.  These are additive functions...so, for example,
in Structure Factor 1, a "1" indicates a Mage Guild and a "2" indicates a Thieves
Guild.  To have BOTH, you would put the number "3" (1+2) in the Structure Factor 1
field.  One thing I've found: for the major monster upgrades, do NOT input the
Structure Factors for both the "original" version of a monster generator and the
"upgraded" version of a monster generator if you want the upgrade to work properly...
just put in the "upgrade" version (for example: in a Wizard castle, if you want an
Enhanced Cloud Castle, ONLY set the Structure Factor flag for an Upgrade Cloud Castle,
NOT the Structure Factor flag for a regular Cloud Castle as well...otherwise, it'll
generate Giants, not Titans, even though the Structure screen in the game will state
it's an Upgraded Cloud Castle that should produce Titans).  The maximum value for
any structure factor is 255, which encompasses all possible options for that factor
(1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128=255).  If you're confused, don't be surprised; it's tricky.
Practice a little with it (I suggest you experiment with the Tutorial game first until
you get the hang of this).
You can change the level of the Mage Guild in town, up to a maximum of 5.  One thing
I've noticed-if you do this, you tend NOT to get spells from trying to learn them
there.  However, they still recharge spell points perfectly well...and the Heroes
modules let you get whatever spells you want anyway, so what does it matter? ;-)
Finally, you can change the name of the town...big deal.  But at least it helps you
keep track of town names.  And it's always fun to name a town "Deadwood" or something
silly like that.
For each of the game's 54 available heroes, you can do the following:
Change current # of available spell points (a spellcaster with 30,000 spell points?
Change the hero's name.  Not a big deal, but may be fun...
Edit available "movement" points for a turn.  A standard "day's move" is 1000 points.
With this module, you can edit your available land AND sea movement up to some truly
ridiculous numbers (60,000+), which basically will allow you to cross whole continents
or oceans in one turn.
Edit Attack, Defense, Spell Power, and Knowledge Skills.
Edit both monster types (see table 1 again) and number of monsters in each of the
hero's five available "army" slots.
Give the hero any of the Secondary skills.  This is a little tricky.  First, there are
the fourteen skills.  You can choose any EIGHT you want (any more will crash the game).
To set any skill to "Basic," set its value to 1.  Setting a skill's value to 2 sets the
skill level to "Advanced," and setting a skill's value to 3 sets the skill level to
"Expert."  While I'm not forcing you to choose any particular ones, I must say my
PERSONAL favorite skills are Necromancy (cool!) and Pathfinding.  Now, once you've
chosen however many skills (once again, MAXIMUM OF EIGHT!) you wanted, go on to the
set of the NEXT fourteen variables.  Notice these say "Such-and-such-skill Slot."  To
get these skills to work (and avoid crashes), you must assign which "slot" a skill
appears in when it appears on the Hero Screen.  These go from 1-8.  So, in my case,
I'd say I wanted Necromancy to appear in slot 1 (the leftmost slot) and Pathfinding
to appear in slot 2 (second from left).  I'd put the number 2 in the "PFind Slot"
field and the number 1 in the "Necr Slot" field.  FINALLY, after THOSE 14 fields,
there's one MORE field you have to modify...Number of skills.  This is, quite simply,
the number of secondary skills that the hero has.  So, for my character, I'd put the
number 2 in here, since there are two secondary skills that have been assigned.  This
number MUST include any skills that the character "came with" (like the Knight's
Leadership and Balistic skills), unless you erased them (by setting their values and
their "slot values" to 0).
After ALL THOSE, we come to the Spells...you can give your hero ANY or ALL of the
65 available spells, both Combat and Adventure.  The first 48 spells (up to and
including Earthquake) are Combat spells (and as such can only be used in Combat,
but can be Viewed on the Hero Screen by clicking on the spellbook, then on the
"Combat Spells" tab in the book) and the remainder are Adventure spells.  Setting ANY
spell value to 1 makes that spell available to you.  However, you do need a spellbook
to cast any of those spells...
Finally, we come to the 14 Artifact slots.  You can give any hero any of the 82
available artifacts.  I do NOT, however, recommend giving most of the "skill enhancer"
ones...they do not affect your hero's stats if given via UGE.  I recommend only giving
the ones like the Endless Sack Of Gold, the Morale-Enhancers, and the Luck Enhancers.
Perhaps most important, though, is the last one (81)...this is the Spellbook.  This is
necessary to cast spells.  If one of the artifact spots is already taken by this, DON'T
CHANGE IT!  If it is NOT present (i.e. you have a Knight or Barbarian), then make the
spellbook available by setting an Artifact slot to 81. (Hey, it saves you 500 gold and
a trip to a town!).  The list of available Artifacts appears in Table 3: Artifacts,
0=Peasant	1=Archer	2=Ranger	3=Pikeman	4=Veteran Pikeman
5=Swordsman	6=Master Swordsman	7=Cavalry	8=Champion
9=Paladin	10=Crusader	11=Goblin	12=Orc	13=Orc Chieftan
14=Wolf		15=Ogre		16=Ogre Lord	17=Troll	18=War Troll
19=Cyclops	20=Sprite	21=Dwarf	22=Battle Dwarf	23=Elf
24=Grand Elf	25=Druid	26=Greater Druid	27=Unicorn
28=Phoenix	29=Centaur	30=Gargoyle	31=Griffin	32=Minotaur
33=Minotaur King	34=Hydra	35=Green Dragon		36=Red Dragon
37=Black Dragon	38=Halfling	39=Boar		40=Iron Golem	41=Steel Golem
42=Roc	43=Mage	44=Archmage	45=Giant	46=Titan	47=Skeleton
48=Zombie	49=Mutant Zombie	50=Mummy	51=Royal Mummy
52=Vampire	53=Vampire Lord		54=Lich		55=Power Lich
56=Bone Dragon	57=Rogue	58=Nomad	59=Ghost	60=Genie
61=Medusa	62=Earth Elemental	63=Fire Elemental	64=Water Elemental
65=Air Elemental
For ANY CASTLE TYPE: 1=Mage Guild	2=Thieves Guild		4=Tavern (not Necro!)
8=Dock		16=Well		32=Nothing (don't use)		64=Castle (vs tent!)
FOR ANY CASTLE TYPE: 1=Left Turret	2=Right Turret		4=Marketplace
8=Horde Building (see below)	16=Moat		32=Special Enhancement (see below)
64=Nothing (don't use)		128=Captain Of Guards' Quarters
HORDE BUILDINGS: These increase production of the castle's weakest units by 8/week.
In a Knight castle, this is a Farm.  For Barbarians, a Garbage pile.  For Sorceresses,
a Crystal Garden.  For Necromancers, a Skull Pile.  For Wizards, an Orchard.  For
Warlocks, a Waterfall.
SPECIAL ENHANCEMENT: Depending on the castle type, these have differing effects
(enhancing combat skill or spell skill or power or even money production...)  For
a Knight, this is Fortifications.  For a Barbarian, it's a Coliseum.  For a
Sorceress, it's a Rainbow.  For a Necromancer, a perpetual Storm.  For a Wizard, it's
a Library.  For a Warlock, it's a Dungeon.
FOR ANY CASTLE TYPE: 1, 2, and 4 values do nothing at all.
8=1st-level creature generators		16=2nd-level creature generators
32=3rd-level creature generators	64=4th-level creature generators
128=5th level creature generators
The actual generator type and generated creature depends on the castle type...they are
as follows: (read your HOMM II manual to find out what each generates!)
Knight: Thatched Hut, Archery, Blacksmith, Armory, Jousting Arena
Barbarian: Hut, Stick Hut, Den, Adobe, Bridge
Sorceress: Treehouse, Cottage, Archery, Stonehenge, Fenced Meadow
Necromancer: Dig, Graveyard, Pyramid, Mansion, Mausoleum
Wizard: Habitat, Boar Pen, Foundry, Cliff Nest, Ivory Tower
Warlock: Cave, Crypt, Nest, Maze, Swamp
This one varies the most.  The "1" value gives the 6th-level creature generator for
any castle type as follows:
K: Cathedral	B:Pyramid	S:Red Tower	N:Laboratory	Wz:Cloud Castle
Wr: Green Dragon Tower
but the others vary as follows (upgrades):
K:Arch Upgr	B:Stick Hut Upgr	S:Cottage Upgr		N:Graveyard Upgr
Wz: None	Wr: None
K:Blacksmith Upgr	B:None	S:Archery Upgr	N:Pyramid Upgr	Wz:Foundry Upgr
Wr: None
K:Armory Upgr	B:Adobe Upgr	S:Stonehenge Upgr	N:Mansion Upgr
Wz: None	Wr: Maze Upgr
K:Joust Arena Upgr	B:Bridge Upgr	S:None	N:Mausoleum Upgr
Wz: Ivory Tower Upgr	Wr: None
K:Cathedral Upgr	B:None	S:None	N:None	Wz:Cloud Castle Upgrade
Wr: Red Dragon Tower Upgr
K:None	B:None	S:None	N:None	Wz:None	Wr:Black Dragon Tower Upgr
128 has no effect for any castle type.
TABLE 3: ARTIFACTS (Setting to numbers outside these will crash the game!)
0=Ultimate Book Of Knowledge	1=Ultimate Sword of Dominion
2=Ultimate Cloak of Protection	3=Ultimate Wand Of Magic
4=Ultimate Shield	5=Ultimate Staff	6=Ultimate Crown
7=Golden Goose	8=Arcane Necklace of Magic	9=Caster's Bracelet of Magic
10=Mage's Ring Of Power		11=Witch's Broach of Magic
12=Medal Of Valor	13=Medal of Courage	14=Medal of Honor
15=Medal of Distinction	16=Fizban of Misfortune (a BAD item...don't get it!)
17=Thunder Mace of Dominion	18=Armored Gauntlets of Protection
19=Defender's Helm of Protection	20=Giant Flail of Dominion
21=Ballista of Quickness	22=Stealth Shield of Protection
23=Dragon Sword of Dominion	24=Power Axe of Dominion
25=Divine Breastplate of Protection	26=Minor Scroll of Knowledge
27=Major Scroll of Knowledge	28=Superior Scroll of Knowledge
29=Foremost Scroll of Knowledge	30=Endless Sack Of Gold
31=Endless Bag Of Gold	32=Endless Purse Of Gold	33=Nomad Boots
34=Traveller's Boots	35=Rabbit's foot	36=Golden Horseshoe
37=Gambler's Coin	38=Four-Leaf Clover	39=True Compass of Mobility
40=Sailor's Astrolabe of Mobility	41=Evil Eye	42=Enchanted Hourglass
43=Golden Watch	44=Skullcap	45=Ice Cloak	46=Fire Cloak
47=Lightning Helm	48=Evercold Icicle	49=Everhot Lava Rock
50=Lightning Rod	51=Snake Ring	52=Ankh	53=Book Of Elements
54=Elemental Ring	55=Holy Pendant	56=Pendant of Free Will
57=Pendant Of Life	58=Serenity Pendant	59=Seeing-Eye Pendant
60=Kinetic Pendant	61=Pendant Of Death	62=Wand of Negation
63=Golden Bow	64=Telescope	65=Statesman's Quill	66=Wizard's Hat
67=Power Ring	68=Ammo Cart (now THIS is a cool item!)	69=Tax Lien (Cursed!)
70=Hideous Mask (also cursed!)	71=Endless Pouch Of Sulfur
72=Endless Flask of Mercury	73=Endless Pouch Of Gems
74=Endless Cord of Wood	75=Endless Cart of Ore	76=Endless Pouch of Crystal
77=Spiked Helm	78=Spiked Shield	79=White Pearl	80=Black Pearl
With all of these available options, you can see why this one took so many modules.
Like I said before, practice a while with the Tutorial before you get really involved
with a full game.  Please be sure to read the UGE FAQ, available on my Website.  If
there are questions that aren't answered by the FAQ, you can write me at
overkill@ici.net.  And I'm going to write it ONE MORE TIME, for those of you who
keep requesting stuff anyway...DO NOT REQUEST MODULES!  I don't have every game, and
not every game is editable!
	Other than that, good luck in your conquest of the realms of Might & Magic!
						-Dave Melanson, a.k.a. Overkill/Mortuai
Heroes of Might and Magic II
8675309  - To reveal entire map

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name: homm2.zip

File size: 190.71 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ